190 Android apps infected by malware

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Dr. Web's team managed to remove no more than 190 applications from Google Play that were allegedly contaminated by Malware. These applications, detected by the Russian company, contained files named Android.Click.95. which operated six hours after being downloaded, the contaminated Android applications were detected in April, but until now they have been removed from the system.
Malware did its thing in 190 Android applications
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You only had to wait 6 hours for the damage to take effect and after it was activated the user could present problems in the software or in the battery of the equipment, and could only solve the failure by downloading another Android application that could be obtained through Google Play.
Those responsible for creating Android.Click.95 made money through each download, including from the terms and conditions of the affiliate ads.
The Android applications launched constant messages on the devices in short periods, which made it an annoying problem. They also directed to pop-up windows that contained other viruses such as the Android banker.
Another antivirus that found corrupted applications with this virus was Mc Afee, their research determined that these Malware drives users to despair with notifications, advertisements, advertising, and urging them to open new windows to download new harmful applications.
These investigations detected no less than 190 Android applications with the Android.Click.95 virus and the creators were users such as allnidiv, malnu3a, mulache, Lohari, Kisjhka, and PolkaPola, the modus operandi of these applications was to attract unsuspecting customers with joke advertising, horoscope, songs, books, health and life tips, porn videos, trivia articles, lottery, and other applications.
We must be very attentive with the applications we download, many of the advertisements may contain this virus that can damage the functionality of our computers, we hope that these investigations continue to take care of these malicious viruses.
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