
5 things bixby can do on samsung galaxy s8

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As you know, yesterday the new Galaxy S8 was made official. And as you know, when we talk to you about the 8 reasons to buy the S8, one of the reasons for doing so is because of Bixby, the virtual assistant that at the moment is exclusive to this flagship. Why is it so special? What can you do that others do not and that draws our attention so much? Today we will talk about 5 things that Bixby can do on the Samsung Galaxy S8.

As we anticipate, one of the reasons to buy the new top of Samsung range is because of Bixby. You do not imagine what it is capable of, but today we reveal 5 things:

5 things Bixby can do on the Samsung Galaxy S8

Image recognition

One of the keys to Bixby is undoubtedly the ability to recognize images. The Galaxy S8 with Bixby will be able to take pictures and in turn identify objects. It is something that could not be possible without artificial intelligence, which allows us to detect that it is each of the things that appear in the photo. This is amazing, because it is a very good way to search for photos.

Imagine for a moment that 8 months ago you went out to have paella with friends and you can't find the photos because a long time has passed and you don't know the exact day either. With Bixby, you will be able to find all your photos sooner thanks to this functionality. The same to recognize places in photos. Bixby will be able to recommend nearby places to see even.

Users will also be able to take photos of a product from a store and view recommendations for similar products. Even if you see some shoes that you like, just by photographing them Bixby can tell you where to buy them and how much they cost.

Run touch commands

What you do now with touch you can do with your voice thanks to Bixby. You will not have barriers because you will be able to open the camera, gallery, make calls… the terminal will be able to discover everything. How? Speaking to Bixby by voice. Through the Bixby commands you can interpret what you need and do it for you, and in multiple ways.

Translate languages

One of the great concerns and needs is still languages. Now, Samsung Galaxy S8 with Bixby will be able to take photos with an image and text and translate it into different languages. This we have already seen in other apps that are dedicated only to this. But now it is integrated in Bixby so you do not have to resort to third parties. At the moment we know that Bixby supports 52 languages. It is an interesting advance for which you will not have to use apps, only Bixby.

Know more about the user

Bixby promises (over time) to have the ability to adapt to user needs. In this way, I could show you cards or information that I might need at any time, based on your actions. In this way, the user could see the weather and even see when it would take a taxi to arrive (depending on their customs and routines), as well as reminders, alarms… what the user usually does, Bixby will know how to memorize and interpret. Imagine that it is night and you want to add a reminder, the alarm will automatically open for you to configure. Everything faster.

Will integrate with more apps

We could say that this functionality is on the way. At the moment, it must be said that Bixby does not work with all applications. In other words, it is integrating with some, such as the Photo Gallery itself. But over time it will go more naturally. It will be integrated with some apps and later with others. For this reason, Samsung is going to provide a development kit so that developers can integrate it with their apps, working with its API in this way.

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As you can see, Bixby aims high because we are going to see it (over time) integrated into many apps that we now imagine, so its maximum advances are still to be seen. These are some features of Bixby, but it is so smart that very soon it will be able to offer many more things to Galaxy S8 users. Remember, only by buying this device you can now enjoy the new Samsung assistant.

What do you think about Samsung's Bixby ? Do you think it promises more than it will be?


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