
5 Reasons why the new nokia 3310 will be a success

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The new Nokia 3310 is already a reality, and is that the Finnish brand has decided to rescue the iconic Nokia 3310 from our drawers, and give it a good redesign. But why? Does the redesign of a mobile phone from the year 2000 have a place in this digital era? Well it may be. A very limited sector of mobile phone users might be interested, a lot.

More than once I have heard that phrase of "these mobiles of today there is no one who understands them" or the famous "why do I want so much junk". This terminal is aimed at that audience, but to explain myself better I will give you 5 reasons why the new Nokia 3310 will be a success.

The new Nokia 3310 will be a hit with a very limited audience

The Nokia 3310 was one of Nokia's greatest achievements. It has been one of the pillars of the pre-smartphone era and without a doubt, marked a before and after in our digital lives. Have you never thrown it down the stairs? The most serious thing that could happen was the battery running out. But he was wearing it again, and so calm.

The Nokia “indestructible”, they called it, is now stronger than ever, with some features added to its original version, but keeping that retro touch of the first generation. But will the new Nokia 3310 be a success or will it be a new failure for Nokia?

I want to give you some reasons why the new Nokia 3310 will be a success, but not at the level of current smartphones, since Nokia was not looking for that, if not to solve a need for a very limited part of consumers:

  • Battery that lasts and lasts and lasts: have you never heard your parents say that the battery of the mobile does not last? They are right. Today we charge the battery of our smart phones every day. The new Nokia 3310 has neither WhatsApp, nor an incredible camera, nor Android. What will you use the energy for? It has a 2.4 ″ screen and a 1200 mAh battery. That is going to take a long time. Calls and messages, nothing else: the new Nokia 3310 is perfect for those who have a secondary line where they only receive calls and messages. There is a very limited sector of the population who is interested in this. Especially to the self-employed who have a professional and a personal line. Why would they want apps, games or WhatsApp in that line? To be disturbed even more at inopportune hours? Add and do not subtract anything: we add all the functionalities of an iconic mobile from the year 2000 and add an SD card to put music, save photos or videos, and 3G to connect to current networks. What more could you ask for in a simple mobile? A very fun and retro design: the retro is worn, and even more when we consider that the Nokia 3310 has been a well-liked mobile phone worldwide. The new design is both retro and eye-catching. Has it all! Personally, I love it. Are you going to tell me that it has not caught your attention? Choose the one you like best among red, black, yellow, gray… A scandal price: ok, it's a mobile that only calls, receives calls and in which we can practically only play Snake. It has no support for WhatsApp, or Facebook, or Telegram, or anything at all. Symbian S30 has become obsolete (its operating system) and no longer has any current supported applications. So how much do we price it? Well Nokia has said: 50 euros. Perfect. The truth is that it is a much more interesting option than the one proposed by many operators, who give you very low-end Android phones that are of little use.

Personally, I love it. It is a very simple mobile, perfect for a very small sector of consumers looking for a very cheap terminal, with basic functionalities and with great autonomy.


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