600 Million users have windows 10 as operating system

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Windows 10 came to the world in July 2015. Back then, Microsoft campaigned heavily for users to upgrade to the new version of the operating system. One of the goals that the company had set itself was to reach 1 billion users in Windows 10 by the end of 2017. Now we are at the end of 2017. Has Microsoft reached its goal?
600 million users have Windows 10 as their operating system
The answer is negative. They have been quite far from reaching it, since there are currently 600 million users worldwide that have Windows 10 as their operating system. Although the market share continues to grow month by month, they have not reached the goals set by the company.
600 million devices
These figures do not belong only to computers, as revealed by a representative of the company. Also tablets, consoles or even mobile phones. Although the number of mobile phones hardly contributes to this figure. The figures of the company have not reached the established objectives. Although they are satisfied with the acceptance of Windows 10 in the market.
Its market share continues to grow steadily. Despite the fact that Windows 7 is still the most used. Therefore, the company offers users with other versions of the operating system the free update to Windows 10 before December 31. So they still hope to get more users.
It seems that Windows 10 has become the ideal operating system for Microsoft. They have struck a good balance between functionality and design. So they want as many users as possible to go to it. We will see how the figures evolve in the coming months and if they manage to reach 1, 000 million users.
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