
Germany investigates facebook and its data collection

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Facebook has been experiencing various scandals for a few months with its privacy and its data collection. Therefore, the social network is now investigated by Germany. Since it is believed that the social network could exceed the limits of what is considered normal for its operation in terms of data collection. So they get more data about users than necessary. This is already being investigated in the country.

Germany investigates Facebook and its data collection

At least so they claim from Reuters. Although Germany is not that it has the best relationship with the social network, so it would not be surprising that it is already underway.

Germany investigates Facebook

This is a continuation of a previous investigation from 2015. As we have said, Facebook has already had problems in the past in Germany. The country has on some occasions carried out research into the activities of the social network. In addition to fining the social network because they have done little to stop the expansion of hate messages. So they show a stronger hand with these companies than other countries in Europe.

Meanwhile, the social network denies having exceeded its data collection. Although at the moment the limits passed by the company are not fully known. So we are going to have to wait until more is known about the investigation.

The German government has not confirmed anything at the moment. It is expected that more data about this research will soon be available on the social network. But we see how 2019 does not promise to be a very simple year for Facebook, after its lousy 2018.

Reuters Source


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