Some galaxy a80 are experiencing problems with their camera

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The Galaxy A80 is one of Samsung's most innovative phones. This model bets on a rotating camera system, so we have the same cameras for selfies and normal photos. It opts for a sliding system and the cameras can be rotated later. An interesting system, but it is presenting certain operating problems for some users.
Some Galaxy A80 experience problems with their camera
It seems that when it comes to turning, if we want to go from a normal photo to a selfie, for example, there are problems. On many occasions the system freezes and does not rotate.
What the hell is Samsung thinking releasing this to the market. This pop-up, flipping camera gets stuck about one out of every ten times it pops up. Not to mention it's hilariously overpriced.
- ben sin (@bencsin) July 9, 2019
Camera problems
Many users have taken social media to show the Galaxy A80 system malfunctioning. The motor that makes the camera go up works fine. It is when it is time to turn that we run into trouble. As you can see in the video above, the system crashes, something that happens too often for these users. So it is especially annoying.
We are facing a fairly serious failure. We don't know if it affects many units of the phone. But what is clear is that it is unacceptable for Samsung to launch a phone to the market that presents a problem of this type, in which it is its star function.
In addition, the Galaxy A80 is one of the most expensive models in its segment (669 euros in Spain). So it is not an accessible model, but it nevertheless presents a failure of this type. Samsung has not reacted yet to the news of these device failures.
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