Some samsung galaxy s8 and s8 + suffer a reddish color on amoled screens

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Various users of the Samung Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8 + in South Korea have encountered problems with amold displays due to the reddish color they are taking.
Some Samsung Galaxy S8 and S8 + have published several images about this possible manufacturing defect on social networks. These users asked other users if they had the same problem with the screen of their mobile.
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Before the criticisms, Samsung said in a press release that it is not a quality problem and the colors can be adjusted from the phone, if the reddish color continues to appear on the screens, customers can replace it in the Samsung technical service. However, some users of the Galaxy S8 and S8 + point out that they could not adjust the color of their screens because in theory the color was already adjusted.
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Possibilities are shuffled by the reddish color
This failure may also be due to Samsung's interest in wanting to produce a large amount of super amoled screen as quickly as possible in order to cover the high demand for mobile devices.
According to The Korea Times, the failure could originate from the use of an especially intense red to avoid the bluish and greenish color of the Super AMOLED panels.
Source: The Korea Times
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