
Allo and duo: 6 reasons that make hangouts and messenger obsolete

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Google launched new IM and video call services, Allo and Duo. The arrival of these new applications generates more confusion than anything else because Google already owns Hangouts and Google Messenger, so the arrival of these new applications generates competition between the services of Google itself.

Allo and Duo: New Google applications for messaging and video calls

The Anglosajon site PCWorld has dedicated an article in the detail because the arrivals of Allo and Duo make Hangouts and Messenger totally obsolete, let's go there.

Goodbye to Google accounts

Both Allo and Duo will no longer use a Google account but instead use a phone number to register.


Assistant is a new service from Google that is integrated into Allo with which we can receive recommendations and notifications while we have a conversation, sports updates and play games, or use Assistant in a conversation to obtain more information about a local restaurant.

Smart Answers

This can be explained with an example, when someone asks if you want to go to dinner, Allo will give us some quick answers ready to send instead of writing them down.

I whisper and scream

In Allo, before sending a message you can adjust the size of the text, increase it to "Shout" or make it smaller to "whisper" and the possibility of drawing on the images before sending them.

Incognito mode

Again in the Allo application, you can now activate a way in which conversations are completely encrypted, without previews and without knowing the name of the sender, improving the privacy of the conversations we want.

Duo will make video calls in a different way

Duo is the new application dedicated to video calls that proposes a different way of making them, now when a call of this type is received, a preview of the transmission will be shown in a small window instead of the image of the person's avatar.

Today it is difficult to know if Allo and Duo managed to gain popularity but Google tries it and continues to release applications of this style. Both applications will be available very soon.


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