Amd kills its 32-bit radeon drivers

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The 4Gamer medium has contacted AMD for clarification on the support of the 32-bit Radeon display driver. The manufacturer of graphics cards and PC processors has confirmed that there are no plans to continue supporting these drivers.
There will be no more AMD Radeon 32-bit drivers
Starting October 2018, AMD will no longer offer 32-bit drivers for Radeon graphics cards. This means that the latest 32-bit driver is "Radeon Software Adrenalin 18.9.3 WHQL", which was released on October 5 with the WHQL certificate. You can still download this driver from the AMD website, so if you have a 32-bit operating system you should save it well. What does this mean for most users? Probably nothing. The chances of buying a 32-bit system in 2018 are almost nil. If you're still using the 32-bit system, you probably don't need the latest drivers.
We recommend reading our article on How to install the latest AMD Radeon driver
32-bit operating systems are less and less used, so it makes no sense for AMD to continue to spend resources developing a product that very few users will benefit from. The death of 32 bits is getting closer, there is no doubt about it. With this move, AMD will have more resources to dedicate to improving its 64-bit drivers.
As for Nvidia, AMD's main rival, it has already abandoned support for 32-bit drivers this year, so users of the new GeForce RTX have no chance of using them on a 32-bit system. What do you think about the decision of Nvidia and AMD to abandon support for 32-bit operating systems?
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