Graphics Cards

Amd arcturus appears in hwinfo and would give life to the gpus radeon instinct

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AMD's Navi GPU architecture is powering its current gaming graphics cards, but the red team could also be working on a separate next-gen line for the Radeon Instinct series, focused on AI and HPC calculations. The HWiNFO tool already has preliminary support for the Arcturus GPU, which will bring this new generation Radeon Instinct to life, and which has been talked about since last year.

HWiNFO added preliminary support for AMD Arcturus in its latest version v6.13-3945 BETA

The AMD Arcturus GPU is included in the compatibility list and will possibly be part of the next generation of Radeon Instinct 'MI100' HPC / AI Accelerator with a release planned for 2020.

GPU Arcturus first appeared in 2018 via Linux (Phoronix Forums) and was later confirmed by an AMD employee that it would use designated code names for the chip itself instead of using family code names that could expose the name product / marketing. The AMD Arcturus GPU will be the first to fall in that line, but no other details were mentioned at the time.

MI100 Feature.

XDLOPS & New Vector ALU & BF16.

Packed Math Ops -Float And Int.

Sq Exectuin Prefetch for shaders.


32/33/34/45 TCC & L2C.

1/2 DPFP.

8SE and CS launch Rate.

Cashe Hierachy Lantency

GDS (GWS / Ordered append).

- 比 屋 定 さ ん の 戯 れ 言 @Komachi (@KOMACHI_ENSAKA) August 14, 2019

HWiNFO added preliminary support for AMD Arcturus in its latest version v6.13-3945 BETA. Furthermore, Komachi_Ensaka revealed a series of chips that are branded under AMD's AI family, and Arcturus appears to be one of them. The AI ​​family also includes other GPUs like Vega 10, Vega 12, and Vega 20. Judging from the AI ​​name, the list could be mentioning AMD Radeon Instinct-based GPU accelerators, as the three Vega GPUs featured in the List have been included in Radeon Instinct graphics cards for HPC and Artificial Intelligence. Arcturus is on the same list as well, but if we look at how the tiles are mentioned in descending order, the ones at the bottom of each family are also the latest additions to each specific lineup.

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LLVM 9.0 also includes support for Arcturus, which is rumored to be under the GFX9 (GFX908) family, which are Vega parts.

We will see that AMD has prepared us with its new Radeon Instinct series, which should mean higher performance and lower power consumption for the professional sector.

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