Graphics Cards

Amd navi would launch in July with a power close to rtx 2080

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New rumors emerge based on Navi, the next AMD graphics architecture. It seems that E3 2019 is the place chosen by the red company for the presentation of its new graphics cards.

AMD Navi graphics cards to be unveiled at E3

AMD plans to attend E3 2019 in June to present its new Navi graphics cards, for a subsequent launch on July 7, that is, a month later.

A July release for AMD Navi graphics cards is highly consistent with what we've been hearing for the past few months. It's also important to remember that NVIDIA hasn't stood still and is working hard on its own 7nm-based products, rumored to be called Ampere, and expected to appear sometime this year. Meanwhile, AMD continues with its plan to take advantage of the technological advantage with its 7nm GPUs, as it already did with the Vega-based Radeon VII.

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According to these latest rumors, the Navi series to be unveiled in June will have enough power to compete with the RTX 2080. This is contrary to rumors that AMD would focus on the mid-range.

Radeon Navi RX 3080, RX 3070 and RX 3060 from AMD

Based on previous rumors, AMD would be working on three different Radeon RX 3000 series graphics cards based on the 7nm Navi architecture. These are the RX 3080, 3070 and 3060 and would target the mid and low range in terms of price. Things are changing now, and the RX 3080 could perform close to NVIDIA's RTX 2080.

The main GPU will be called the Navi 10, while the lower performance variants use the Navi 12 GPU. Of course, we must take this information with tweezers.

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