Graphics Cards

Amd sacrificed investment in radeon to make zen architecture possible

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Zen architecture has been the miracle that few believed, after many years without being able to compete with Intel from you to you, AMD took off some processors capable of putting the blue giant in trouble. We now know that some sacrifices had to be made in the Radeon division for this.

AMD sacrificed the Radeon division in favor of Zen

WCCFTech reports that AMD CEO Lisa Su made the difficult decision to cut the Radeon division's budget to enable the development of Zen architecture, something that has resulted in resounding success in the fight with Intel., but that has left the Sunnyvale company far behind Nvidia on graphics cards. The situation was very critical with AMD processors, with some FX that turned out to be a failure, so Zen had to do well yes or yes. The Radeon division was in much better health, so AMD could afford to make some sacrifice on it.

The decision to cut resources on Radeon may have been one of the main reasons for the lack of success of the Radeon RX Vega, and the departure of Raja Koduri, who did not have the resources he needed at his disposal to do his best work. It's easy to blame Koduri for Vega's failure, but no one knows what has really happened within the company.

Lisa Su decided to focus Radeon's limited resources on other tasks related to important commercial agreements with Apple and Sony, something that explains Sony's involvement in the development of the Navi architecture for the future PlayStation 5 that will arrive in 2020. The section dedicated to gaming he saw his resources limited to a third party.

Now the situation has changed, and AMD can focus more resources on Radeon, although the price that has been paid has been very high, with the departure of Koduri and an Nvidia that is technologically ahead.

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