Amdgpu shows great performance on ubuntu

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Traditionally, AMD / ATI graphic dirvers have been more problematic than expected in the Linux territory, the bugs and the performance offered were much lower than those obtained in Windows. Fortunately for Sunnyvale's, AMDGPU, the free driver for their graphics cards, has shown excellent performance in Ubuntu.
AMDGPU, the free alternative to Crimson improved by Canonical
In March Canonical made the decision to abandon AMD Catalyst drivers to adopt the Open Source AMDGPU option and modify them to improve their performance. Many feared that this decision would end up taking its toll on Ubuntu but, nevertheless, it has gone wonderfully since the new Open Source driver has shown excellent performance.
Test and results platform
The Phoronix guys have done a battery of tests pitting AMDGPU and Crimson (Catalyst's successors) to see the performance difference between the two alternatives and the results have been truly amazing.
The following hardware has been used for testing:
GPU: Radeon R9 285 / Radeon R9 Fury.
Motherboard: MSI C236A Workstation.
CPU: Intel Xeon E3-1280 v5.
Hard Drive: 120GB Samsung 850 EVO SSD.
RAM: 16GB of DDR4-2133MHz.
- Windows 10 Pro x64 with Radeon Software Crimson Edition, Ubuntu 16.04 with AMDGPU, Ubuntu 16.04 with AMDGPU PRO.
First of all we find two very popular benchmarks like Unigine Heven v4.0 and Unigine Valley v1.0. In both cases the Canonical modified AMDGPU driver has been sensational with a performance very similar to the Crimson in Windows and clearly outperforming the standard AMDGPU driver, especially in the first case.
We go to OpenArena which is a free clone of Quake 3 and the results are really surprising, the AMDGPU driver is superior to Crimson both in its standard version and in its version improved by Canonical.
Finally, Xonotic v0.8 is shown at a resolution of 3840 × 2160 in which the graphic settings are varied and we see how the drivers Crimson and AMDGPU in their two versions are dividing the victory as the test conditions change.
The Phoronix tests are quite clear and show that the free AMDGPU driver offers very good features, especially in its version improved by Canonical, and that it is on track to exceed the performance of Crimson in Windows. If this trend continues there is no doubt that Linux could become a platform with enormous potential for gamers and AMD could be the great beneficiary, it would have been nice to put some Nvidia card to make the comparison even more interesting.
What do you think about the results obtained by Phoronix?
Source: phoronix
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