
Android 6.0. marshmallow is still the most used in the world

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As every month the statistics that show us the use of Android are published. Thanks to these data we can see how each of the versions evolves. And as usual in recent months, Android 6.0. Marshmallow is still the most popular version.

Android 6.0. Marshmallow is still the most widely used in the world

32.3% of users who have a Google operating system mobile have one with Android 6.0. An overwhelming majority. Which is common, since this version has long been the most popular among users.

Android Nougat does not finish booting

Although, the most worrying for Google has been the poor reception of Nougat. Despite the fact that the most recent version available so far (while we wait for Android O to arrive) is gradually increasing, it is far from the podium. It is the fourth most used with 13.5%. Still surpassed by version 4.4. KitKat, which keeps 16%.

Google is still looking for explanations for the lack of success that Nougat has had in the market. At no time has it been among the most used. Currently, in second position is Android 5.0 Lollipop with 29.2%, which gradually begins to lose some market share.

The arrival of Android O opens up many unknowns. And it also adds more problems to Google. Who will be most affected by the arrival of the new version of the operating system? What is certain is that it will cause users to become even more fragmented. So it will be interesting to see how these statistics evolve in the coming months. Also to check if the new version manages to be a success among users. What version of Android does your smartphone have?


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