
Antivirus on line: which is the best? 【Best options】

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Is it good to use an Antivirus online? In this article we will help you resolve this question. But you have to know that conventional antivirus generally have space problems in the PC storage, that is why online antivirus was created, which are resources that analyze the computer system from a Web page.

Despite this, there are a wide variety of antivirus on the internet, and knowing that it is difficult to know which is the best, we will mention a list of the most recommended according to experts.

Index of contents

This online antivirus is one of the most used today, directly allowing excellent analyzes to be carried out on different aspects of the PC, and also providing these benefits:

  • It has a file analyzer: Allowing you to choose any folder regardless of its location to detect the existence of viruses inside. It presents a specialized URL detector: With which it directly reads the type of link provided and determines the existing security capacity on the page. It contains a secure search engine: It manages to promote navigations in a protected way, directly breaking access to harmful web pages. It is easy to use: Since it presents an interactive and very simple interface. It offers subscription capacity: If you want to use it very often, you just have to register and you will fully enjoy the service. It has a customer service: Something that differentiates it from the rest of online antivirus, allowing you to solve doubts or make complaints about its operation. It does not have advertising: Despite not being paid, it does not contain pop-up advertising, facilitating its use.

Antivirus on line ESET Online Scanner

This virus scanner presents different options within its website, and also has the ability to buy the product to download the traditional antivirus. However, its online services include these benefits:

  • It allows to execute a unique analysis: In order to detect threats in the computer in a general way and eliminate the malwares found in it.

It should be noted that this is done through a downloaded resource, which does not weigh more than 8MB and stops running in the background when the analysis is complete.

  • It offers the ability to choose what we want to eliminate: Showing the existing risks in certain folders and requesting our approval to eliminate them. It has the option of "Quarantine ": Which allows to put in sleep mode certain files that are doing damage to the system. Free the browser from threats: Because it directly analyzes its speed along with the rest of the PC's resources. It presents an initially free payment option: Since it offers the first 30 days totally free, enjoying the full services of traditional antivirus. It is capable of being used in almost any software: Since it has adaptability for Windows and Mac respectively.

Opswat Metadefender online antivirus

This online antivirus is very similar to VirusTotal, being in fact its main competition, although this is preferred since it shows a great variety of positive aspects, among which we can mention:

  • It presents a harmful URL detector: Therefore, if what you want is to check the security of a web page, simply copy and paste the link in your search box. It has one of the most advanced file analysis engines: This is because it not only reads each supplied file in detail, but it also has a scanning capacity of up to 128 MB. It features the ability to log: Which can allow users to have more detailed reports on the operation of their system and the potential threats it may have. Its interface is adaptive: Since it only requires dragging any file to the desired section of the page and it will immediately begin to perform the analysis. It presents an extension for Google Chrome: Which supposes a better protection capacity for the navigation carried out in said server, eliminating the impediment of "Protection in real time" of its competitors. It offers reports with virus information: Where they indicate the most common viruses at present and the prevention you must have to avoid acquiring them on your PC.

VirScan online antivirus

Unlike the rest of the online antivirus mentioned in this file, VirScan is a bit simpler, since it only supports 20 MB in its use, and a maximum of 20 files for each analysis, but it is complemented by:

  • Does not require file compression: That is, if you do not have the folder you want to analyze in Rar or Zip, it does not matter, since this antivirus can read up to 20 files at the same time. It allows you to scan suspicious URLs: Executing a thorough detection of possible threats and directly defining the different dangers that it may have. It provides complete virus reports: Explaining in detail if any specified component has a linked malware and also what are the actions to be carried out. Its interface is very simple: To such an extent, that you only need to use the search bar, since from there you can select files and URLs by default. It offers the option "Windows (Trial)": In which it provides a download in a demo version of VirScan, which weighs only 5.0 MB.

F-Secure online antivirus

This is one of the most advanced pages in providing this service, it performs detailed analyzes of all the information on the PC but in a much more profound way than any other resource.

Likewise, it has almost all the aforementioned benefits of the “VirusTotal” and “Opswat” antiviruses, except that in this case it performs the analysis by downloading a single-execution package that only weighs 9 MB.

With this, the system readings are carried out, as well as the latent threats existing in the computer are determined, allowing them to be eliminated directly through said tool.

What is the best online antivirus?

While it is true that the 5 antivirus mentioned above are excellent, the best of all without a doubt is "Opswat Metadefender", because it has all the functions of its competitors combined.

However, it adds much more benefits to the user, such as the ability to contact the server to resolve doubts about the operation of the resource and the option to upload files to fully analyze them.

In addition, unlike "VirusTotal", it presents a very detailed URL reader, which manages the information included in said website and detects if it is a false link to determine the type of security it promotes.

Best of all, it is easy to read, which can easily exceed 128 MB.

However, what positions this online antivirus at number 1 is the Google Chrome extension it has, which does not generate losses of PC space and provides optimal security for the user when browsing the network.


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