
Apex legends reaches 25 million players

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Apex Legends has become Fortnite's main rival today. At the moment, it cannot be denied that the game is having a good reception among users. Since the new numbers of users in it have been revealed. They have already reached 25 million players. Something they have achieved in just one week on the market.

Apex Legends reaches 25 million players

A figure that makes it clear that the game generates a lot of interest among users. In addition to presenting itself as a powerful rival against Fortnite in the international market.

This past week has been beyond our wildest imagination. Thank you to all 25 million Legends out there. You too @shroud @drdisrespect @CouRageJD @FemSteph @Ninja and many more amazing creators out there! ❤️

- Apex Legends (@PlayApex) February 11, 2019

Apex Legends is a success

Also, that 25 million users have been reached in a week, makes it clear that Apex Legends can still grow further. So it could be an even bigger threat to Fortnite, if they manage to maintain this popularity in the market in the coming weeks. The company has also revealed that up to 2 million people stayed connected simultaneously during this first week. Another good number that makes success clear.

For comparison, Fortnite reached 45 million players in its first four months. So in just one week this game has already exceeded half of this figure. So you have a good chance of overcoming them.

We will have to see how Apex Legends is maintained in the coming weeks. Although it is clear that this is a game that is generating enormous interest worldwide. At the moment, the company has said that the game will not be released on smartphones. Something that could stop the increase in users.

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