Apple closes its smallest store in japan

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Apple has stores worldwide. The stores of the American firm are known for their minimalist style, in addition to having a large space. Although one of its stores in Japan was known to be just the opposite. Since it was a very narrow store, small in size, located in the Ichibancho area in Sendai. After three years open, the store will close.
Apple closes its smallest store in Japan
On January 25 it will close its doors definitively, as has already been announced from the company. This Christmas it had already been thirteen years open.
Apple closes a store
The company itself has wanted to offer an explanation about the closure of the store. This small size, which once made the store well known, is precisely the reason. Since Apple needs a greater surface to be able to operate and in this available space in it it is not possible. So finally, they are forced to close this store. Since it does not allow them to grow or offer a greater assortment of products or more services to their clients.
With this closure, the stores of the American firm in Japan become eight. Although, there is good news for all followers of the brand in the Asian country. Because there are already plans to open a new one.
Apple is investing in Japan and a new store is expected to open throughout 2019. A new space that will offer what the firm is looking for, and have enough space for its products. Although for now the location that this store will have is unknown.
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