Apple would launch its new airpods before the summer

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It has been more than two years since Apple presented its AirPods, in September 2016. Therefore, the time is approaching to launch a new and renovated model. It seems that the American firm is already working on them, which could arrive before the summer. It is expected that there will be a series of changes in them. Especially at the function level.
Apple would launch its new AirPods before the summer
The new functions in this new generation would be especially health-oriented. A trend that we have already seen in the new generation of Apple Watch. The company has a clear direction.
New Apple AirPods
There have been media outlets claiming that Apple was preparing to launch two versions of these AirPods this year. Although this is something that at the moment has not been confirmed. What we know is that we can expect health related functions in them. Also, there would be a number of premium features. What is discussed, as with other products of the firm, is that we can expect a price increase in them. Although there are no confirmed prices at the moment.
These AirPods have become a very popular product for the American company. Despite many comments or doubts about its start, they have managed to gain a foothold in the market. But it is time to renew them.
All reports mention that they would be released in the first half of this year. We hope to know more soon about Apple's plans, but it is clear that it will not take too long to make this new generation real.
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