
Apple will pay up to a million dollars to discover security flaws

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Rewards programs for discovering security flaws are some of the most common today. Apple also has one, which promises to offer succulent rewards. Since you can get up to a million dollars in this regard. The company has recently announced the expansion of its program, so that TvOS and macOS are also part of it.

Apple will pay up to a million dollars to discover security flaws

In this way, faults can be found in all systems of the Cupertino company. The awards for discovering flaws range from $ 100, 000 to $ 1 million.

New rewards

Since 2016, Apple has received 50 notifications of high-risk vulnerabilities. So these types of actions work well and give results for the company, which has managed to cover them all over time, preventing security problems from escalating. So it is important for the company to keep its rewards up to date as well.

Since it is important that hackers or security companies show interest in participating in these types of actions. Especially now that it is possible to earn a million dollars with one of them. Also now that other systems like tvOS are included in this list.

Therefore, if you want and have the ability to do so, you can search for vulnerabilities in Apple. The rewards to be obtained range from $ 100, 000 to $ 1 million for the most serious and critical. So you can get a good pinch with this rewards program.

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