Apple podcasts exceeds 50 billion downloads

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In case there was any type of doubt about it, the Apple Podcasts platform continues to be the benchmark for podcasts, especially now that it has already exceeded 50, 000 million downloads, and has a catalog of more than half a million programs available.
Podcasts, leader in its segment
During the past year, Apple has been making different improvements both in the service and in the Podcasts application and although, in terms of functionalities and characteristics, it still has to be improved, especially if we compare it with some third-party services such as Overcast or UCast, the truth is that Apple Podcasts continues to be the largest podcast platform at the moment. In addition, Fast Company recently reported that Apple Podcasts has passed an important milestone when it comes to downloads.
According to the Fast Company report, in March 2018 Apple podcasts reached 50 billion downloads and episode listeners. This figure represents an incredible growth from the 13, 700 million that were accounted for throughout the year 2017. The figures include both downloads through the Podcasts and iTunes app (for listening without the need for an internet connection) and online transmissions.
As the content has grown, so has the fan base:
In 2014, there were 7 billion podcast downloads.
In 2016, that number jumped to 10.5 billion.
In 2017, it jumped to 13.7 billion episode downloads and streams, via Podcasts and iTunes.
In March 2018, Apple podcasts topped 50 billion episode downloads and streams of all time. ”(Fast Company)
Apple started supporting Podcasts on iTunes in 2005 and since then, the platform has grown remarkably. Fast Company notes that there are more than 525, 000 active shows and more than 18.5 million episodes available on the platform, in more than 100 languages and available in 155 countries.
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