
Apple could earn almost $ 500 with each iphone sold

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It has long been known that Apple makes a huge profit with every iPhone that is sold. Although until now there was not much concrete data, as is the case thanks to a new study. It provides us with data on the possible income of the Cupertino firm with each unit sold in this regard. So we can see that the company makes a profit of $ 500 on each model.

Apple could earn almost $ 500 with each iPhone sold

This has been calculated with recent models of the American brand. Although also in older models the profit was similar for each unit produced / sold. A great source of income therefore.

Gain by model

For example, in the case of the iPhone XS, the total cost of producing the phone is $ 392.5. While the sale price of the device is $ 1, 099 in this case, so the firm pocketed a notable profit in this case, for the sale of this model. On other phones the costs are different, so it is somewhat variable per unit, earning on average $ 500.

The minimum is in fact $ 500 in this regard. So Apple has managed to do good business in this regard, with good profits in each unit of this phone that they have managed to sell.

Although the company is not going through its best moment, with sales that continue to fall, and it seems they will remain down for a while. So this means that the company's revenue from its iPhones falls over time.

BBC source


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