
Learn to distinguish files by their extension

Table of contents:


All the information on a computer is stored in files. These files have a name, then a period, then an extension. Thus the operating system can distinguish the files.

Index of contents

Learn to distinguish files by their extension

After distinguishing them, Windows will offer us a list of programs with "those" that you can use that file or view it.

There are thousands of extensions to distinguish files

If we have a file called "document.TXT" the name of this file is document and its extension is TXT. This extension is used for files that contain texts, so our operating system, Windows, will give us the options to use this file and if you want to see it, it will be opened with the Notepad or NotePad.

But what if we only see "document" without the extension? This occurs when Windows hides the extensions. The bad thing is that there are files that come with malware or viruses and not knowing the extension we will not know.

But if you want Windows to show the extensions you should go to:

  • Windows Explorer. In the Tools Menu we will access Folder Options . When the new "View" tab opens, we will unmark the option that says: "Hide file extensions for known file types"

As we are here, we will take advantage of going to the next tab

  • "File Types". Here is the list of the extensions recognized by Windows and the program associated with them.

Now we can change the priorities and choose with which program we want the file to run and if we go to Advanced Options we can change the icon and the actions it performs.

In general, files are divided into two groups: data files and executables. The former only store information while the latter operate on their own.

Most common file extensions

Extension Corresponds to Extension Corresponds to
.386 Virtual device driver .here Microsoft Agent Character
.acg Microsoft Agent preview .acs Microsoft Agent Character
.acw Accessibility wizard settings .ani Animated cursor
.bat MS-DOS batch file .bfc Briefcase
.bkf Windows Backup .blg System monitor
.cat Security Catalog .cer Security certificate
.cfg Configurations .chk Fragments of recovered files
.chm Compiled HTML Help .clp Clipboard Clip
.cmd Windows NT script .cnf Marking speed
.com MS-DOS application .cpl Control Panel Extension
.crl Certificate revocation list .crt Security certificate
.cur Cursor .dat Database
.db Database .der Security certificate
.dll Library, application extension .drv Device driver
.ds TWAIN Data Source file .dsn Data source name
.dun Dial-up network .exe Application
.fnd Saved Search .fng Source group
.folder Binder .fon Source
.grp Microsoft Program Group .hlp Help
.ht HyperTerminal .inf Installation information
.ini Configuration options .ins Internet communications settings
.isp Internet communications settings .job Task object
.lnk Direct access .msc Microsoft Common Console Document
.M: Yes Windows Installer package .msp Windows Installer review
.msstyles Windows visual style .nfo MSInfo
.ocx ActiveX control .otf OpenType font
.p7c Digital identifier .pfm Type 1 font
.pif Direct access to MS-DOS program .pko Public key security object
.pma System Monitor File .pmc System Monitor File
.pml System Monitor File .pmr System Monitor File
.pmw System Monitor File .pnf Precompiled installation information
.psw Password Backup .qds Query Directory
.rdp Connection to remote desktop .reg Log entries
.scf Windows Explorer Command .scr Screen saver
.sct Windows Script Component .shb Direct document access
.shi Digital certificate .shs Cutout
.sys System file .theme Windows theme
.tmp Temporary file .ttc True Type Typography
.ttf TrueType Typography .udl Links to data
.vxd Virtual device driver .wam Address book
.wmdb Multimedia library .wme Windows Media Encoder Session
.wsc Windows Script Component .wsf Windows Script File
.wsh Windows Script Host Settings File .zap Software installation configuration
.bat MSDOS application (batch file) .bmp Bitmap image
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Video extensions

Video files are typically played on movies or on web pages that contain videos. The most common are:

Audio extensions

Audio files are those that reproduce sound when executed. The most common are:

Extension Corresponds to
.avi Audio and video interleaved
.mpeg Film Expert Group
Extension Corresponds to
.mp3 Compressed digital audio format
.mid or.midi Musical Instruments Digital Interface
.wav Digital audio format, usually uncompressed
.wma Microsoft proprietary compressed digital audio format
.cda Digital format audio CD
.ogg Multimedia container format
.ogm Multimedia container format
.aac Improved sound format
.ac3 HD sound format
.flac Compressed audio format without quality loss
.mp4 Audio and video format without quality loss
.aym High quality compressed digital audio format, property of Ayona

Image extensions

Extension Corresponds to
.bmp Bitmap
.gif Moving picture
.jpg Joint Photographic Experts Group
.png Portable Network Graphics
.psd Photoshop
.ai Adobe illustrator
.crd Corel Draw
.dwg AutoCAD
.svg Scalable Vector Graphics

Table source with all extensions: Wikipedia


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