
Broken laptop battery: trying to revive it 【solutions】 ⭐️

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Is your laptop battery broken? This problem is more common than you think, so we have compiled several solutions.

The battery of laptops is undoubtedly the weak point of these computers, causing a thousand problems for the user. This occurs because its life cycle is shorter than that of the equipment. There are cases of users who have never had any problems, but it is not usually common. With the passage of time, this incidence appears, so we tell you what solutions there are.

Index of contents

Change adapter, maybe the battery is not broken

Sometimes the problem is not the battery, but the power adapter with which we charge the laptop. Therefore, before starting to investigate much more, the first thing you should do is check that with another charger the problem is solved.

Normally, power adapters have an LED light that indicates that there is power, verify that this light is on. If it is not, the adapter is broken. Also try to change the plug, to try…

It may also be that the cable is broken and does not make contact, move it and check whether the battery is charged or not. If changing the adapter doesn't fix it, the problem is with the laptop.

BIOS, Hard Reset or calibrated

Let's get in case the battery is to blame for this problem. Tell you that its life cycle is not long, but shorter than that of the laptop itself. Therefore, do not be surprised in the event that it is damaged, it is very common.

You may find yourself in the event that you cannot replace the battery without having to open the PC. Before we start to open the equipment, we must discard options. Therefore, we are going to do the following:

  • Update the BIOS. You should check your BIOS version because it may be out of date. Sometimes updating it fixes many problems. In this tutorial you will learn how to do it. Hard Reset. You have to turn off the laptop, remove the battery and disconnect the adapter. Next, we will press the power button for 15 seconds. Then we connect everything again and turn it on. Check that it has been solved.
      • On laptops that cannot remove the battery without having to open them, I'm afraid you will have to. As a tip, remember where each screw went because they usually have different sizes.
    Calibrate the battery. When it is miscalibrated, problems arise, so we have to return it to the normal state.
      • First, charge the battery up to 100%. Once you reach that figure, leave it loading for an additional 2 hours. Second, we open the start menu, write the control panel, open it and go to " power options ". Choose the “ Balancedplan. Third, we let it download up to 10% and then we reload it at 100%.

Drivers: a possible solution to the broken portable battery

Did you know that the batteries have drivers? Perhaps, they are failing and not working properly. To do this, we are going to go to the " device manager ", so open the start menu and write it to enter it. You can also access it from the Control Panel.

You should have a section called " Batteries ", which can be displayed. We are interested in the one that says " Battery with control method…". We right click and uninstall the driver.

Now, we turn off the laptop and remove the battery. Make sure there is no residual energy left in the equipment by pressing the power button. You install the battery and turn on the equipment. Drivers alone should be reinstalled.

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Many batteries are very susceptible to heat, so in case of overheating, the battery will stop working. For this reason, among others, we always recommend laptop coolers.

Turn off the laptop, cool it by giving it cold air, and turn it on again when it's cold. I advise you to take a look inside and remove all the dust that you find. This is quite common and affects the durability of the battery.

Technical service

Unfortunately, if with everything we have explained before, the problem is not fixed, you will have to take it to the technical service. Do not rush because, if you are a little handyman and you have the equipment without guarantee, there is the possibility of buying the battery on the other hand to replace it ourselves.

Laptop batteries are not expensive, unless we have a very specific model. At eBay we find many at affordable prices. For example, I have an ASUS X556UJ-XO015T and the battery would cost me less than € 25 to set up at home. What is wrong? This depends on the laptop, but changing your broken battery can cost you very little.

Replacing a battery is very simple, you just have to open the laptop, remove some screws, install the new one and screw it again. It has no mystery.

We hope that these solutions help you and that you can enjoy your equipment for longer. If you have any questions, please comment below so that we can respond.

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