
Bitcoin plummets and falls below $ 10,000

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2018 has not started in the best way for the most important cryptocurrency on the market. In these weeks it has already suffered various drops in value. Bitcoin this week was at some points below $ 12, 000. Although the declines have continued today when the currency has collapsed and has been below $ 10, 000.

Bitcoin plummets and falls below $ 10, 000

The main reason for this decline originates in Asia. Since new restrictions on Bitcoin are feared by markets such as South Korea and China. Something that has already happened in these past weeks, causing notable drops in the value of the virtual currency.

Bitcoin continues its free fall

For a couple of weeks, it has been said that South Korea was shuffling the virtual currency ban. Although, at the moment nothing has been confirmed about these plans. But, it seems that the uncertainty they generate does not like in the market. Since it is causing the currency to collapse, it continues to lose value over the days.

Without a doubt, it has been placed at a minimum that many did not expect. In addition, also from China is working on new restrictions towards Bitcoin. So the currency has it very difficult in markets with as much potential as those in Asia.

It remains to be seen if these restrictions really arrive and what they are like. But, they are undoubtedly already having a noticeable effect on the value of the cryptocurrency. Since it continues to drop and is marking lows that it did not reach in months. So surely many investors are concerned.

CNBC source


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