
Bitcoin sinks close to 40% in worst week in years

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Bitcoin is experiencing its worst week since 2013. After weeks of continued growth, it seems that the good streak of the virtual currency has been stopped abruptly. Bitcoin has already lowered its value by 40% so far this week. It has become the worst week that the cryptocurrency has lived since April 2013.

Bitcoin sinks close to 40% in worst week in years

The volatility of the currency has always been one of its main characteristics. Something that has been perfectly reflected throughout the last days. It has gone from being very close to $ 20, 000 to sometimes falling below $ 12, 000.

Bitcoin falls sharply this week

The takeover of capital gains on December 10 and 18, set by the launch of Bitcoin futures on the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME), gave investors optimism. Since it gave the feeling that there was greater legitimacy. Causing the currency to rise to all-time highs of nearly $ 20, 000. But, the bankruptcy of a cryptocurrency trading platform in South Korea after suffering a robbery has not helped.

Doubts about the security of the currency are making headlines again. In addition to reopening the debate on its long-term stability. So those who doubt that the currency will last long again raise their voices after this disastrous week.

The rest of the currencies have suffered notable drops as well. So it is something that affects the cryptocurrency market in general. We will see what happens in the next few days, but it seems that Christmas is not going to be very quiet for Bitcoin.

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