Bixby will help you with your investments thanks to deepsearch

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Bixby recently opened up to third parties, something that can undoubtedly give Samsung assistant much more possibilities. And we already have the first new function that reaches it. This is DeepSearch, which will help users to better manage their investments. This function, which will reach the assistant, will be made available to you only in South Korea at the moment.
Bixby will help you with your investments thanks to DeepSearch
It will not work as a virtual broker, but will take advantage of the power of the assistant in complex calculations to offer us investment assistance. Both those that we already have in place as well as future ones.
Bixby improvements
In this way, Bixby will help users to see the risk of a certain investment, or the opportunities that it can offer. In addition, information on the financial market can be followed at all times, so that the user knows whether or not it is a good time to invest. Information that is crucial in this type of operations.
DeepSearch deployment begins in South Korea. It is expected that it will also reach other markets, although it is not known if it will be with the firm or if Samsung will close agreements with other companies depending on the country.
With this decision, it is clear that Samsung has taken seriously to improve Bixby. The assistant has lagged behind other options on the market. But these enhancements, in addition to opening up to third parties, may be the boost you needed. And it is expected in 2019 it will arrive in new languages, including Spanish.
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