
Brief analysis of bound by flame

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An army of walking dead threatens to end humanity… is it Game of Thrones? No, the role's debut on PS4.

Take a few drops of the Song of Ice and Fire plot, and combine it with the details of the game from Dragon's Ag (tactical pause that slows down the combat, fatigue partners with whom we can flirt.) And other RPGs, and the The result is Bound bv Fíame. A title that will not go down in history because it is the most original, nor the most eye-catching technically, but that soon you give it a chance, it will captivate you.

His story makes us a mercenary who fights against the 7 ice lords and his army of walking dead, until one day he is possessed by a demon. Deciding whether to let it grow within us, or cling to our human features, will be just one of the many decisions that await us in this title, in which the topics of the genre abound: combat with sharp weapons, collection of raw materials to create Items and protections, experience, levels and skills improvement, long conversations with decisions.


It is neither easy nor Dark Souls, but its difficulty can be high. In fact, fighting is one of its main charms and we can alternate 3 styles (2-hand sword fighter, 2-dagger marauder and pyromancer, capable of executing various fire spells), in addition to being able to use crossbows, plant traps. Of course, the enemies are repeated a lot, it has a quite pasillero development and with "walks" that are often repeated in the optional missions, without forgetting a technical section that does not take advantage of the potential of PS4 (improves the version of PS3 in textures, resolution and other details) and with framerate drops. It will not go down in history for being the best RPG on PS4, but if the genre suits you, it will hook you.

FIGHTS. They are frequent and abundant, and allow us to alternate between 3 different styles and make combos with 2 buttons. Additionally, we learn and improve skills as we progress.

DECISIONS. On our journey we will meet allies and even make decisions that will affect the plot, such as letting our inner demon eliminate the human traits that we have left.

EQUIPMENT. We can use all kinds of swords, daggers, axes, mallets and equip helmets, breastplates, greaves. Almost all the equipment has slots to insert the accessories that we believe, which improve characteristics such as physical resistance.


They are undoubtedly one of the stellar moments of the game, both for visual design and for its level of difficulty (in some cases). Its design is reminiscent of Kingdoms of Amalar, although other elements of the game refer to Dragoa's.


The best

  • The combat: fun, with possibilities, improvement tree and something difficult. Replayable: there are decisions that affect development, such as "accepting" the devil.


  • Technically it doesn't exploit the potential of PS4. It has flaws like framerate drops. Little original, both in the story and in the playable, although it is fun.

Editor's choice

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