
How to update ubuntu to its latest available version

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Ubuntu is the most popular GNU / Linux distribution, this operating system is updated regularly with the release of a new version every 6 months to provide users with a modern platform that is stable and secure. Let's see what are the steps to follow to have the system always updated to its latest version.

Learn how to update your Ubuntu to the latest version

To update our Ubuntu system, the first thing is to check the version that we have installed, here we have to make a parenthesis since this operating system has two types of very different versions and it is convenient for us to have it very clear before continuing with the tutorial.

  • Ubuntu LTS versions: LTS are the versions with extended support of this operating system, they are released every two years and Canonical offers support for them for a period of 5 years. These are the recommended versions for the majority of users. This type of version always follows the numbering 12.04, 14.04, 16.04, 18.04…
  • Regular versions of Ubuntu: they are versions released every 6 months and have only 6 months of support. They are all released between two LTS versions and are recommended for users who want the latest, even if it means more stability problems. Examples of these versions are 16.10, 17.04, 17.10, 18.10…

Once we have this clear we will see what version we have installed, for this you must go to the " System Settings" and select "Details".

Knowing already the version that we have of Ubuntu we can proceed to update it to the latest available. To update the system in a very simple way we just have to write the word "update" in the search engine of the system interface and enter the option that appears. From here we can update all the packages related to the operating system itself and those of all the installed applications, that is, we can update everything with a few simple clicks, an important difference with Windows where the system update only affects Windows itself. It is important to note that updating in this way we will not lose any file that we have on our computer.

Click on "Install now" and the system will ask us for the administrator password before starting to do all the work for us.

Here ends the tutorial, if you liked it, don't forget to share it with your friends on social networks to help us.


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