
How to update whatsapp on android?

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WhatsApp is the leading messaging app. It is almost impossible for you to meet someone who does not use WhatsApp (obviously there is always someone… but: how to update WhatsApp on Android ? Not all users have advanced knowledge of technology, smartphones and apps, so we are going to consider the different options.

How to update WhatsApp on Android?

The easiest and fastest way is to enter the Google Play Store or click " update " WhatsApp. If you want to make your life easier, what you can do is activate automatic updates on your smartphone via Wi-Fi, so that, when there is a new version of a certain app and you are on Wi-Fi, it will be installed automatically, without that you have to be to watch.

  • Another trick is to subscribe to the WhatsApp beta program to always have the latest version. This can be done from the WhatsApp window in the Play Store, below, it gives you the option to join the betas program. Of course, new versions will be arriving almost every day, but you will not even notice that it has been updated.

These are two ways to always have WhatsApp updated. Either entering to watch (or checking the option of automatic updates) or with the betas program, because they are always more advanced and have the latest version in tests, not stable.

Update WhatsApp by APK

Another option to have the latest version of WhatsApp is with the APK. You can download it from APK Mirror or from the WhatsApp page itself. It is always better from the official sources, because that way you ensure the latest version of WhatsApp stable and that it works well. Although keep in mind that being APK, you will have to have unknown origins activated.

These are all the ways to update WhatsApp on Android.

Problems updating WhatsApp ?

  • Settings> Applications> WhatsApp> Clear cache and Clear data.

Sometimes something as simple as clearing cache and data makes it fix and work fine for you again. If not, try to delete some other app, because you still have little space.

We hope that the guide has served you. Has it become clearer how to update WhatsApp on Android ? If you have doubts or any questions, you can ask us in the comments.


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