
The best tools to encrypt files in the cloud

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Cloud hosting services are extremely useful. It allows us to store a huge amount of files. In this way, we do not need to occupy space on the computer or we have them in the cloud in case something happens with our equipment. Although it is an extremely useful service, there are many users who question its security. So they are looking for a way to protect their files.

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How to encrypt files in the cloud? The best tools available

For that, we can resort to file encryption. A very useful solution that helps us prevent third parties from accessing these documents that we are uploading to the cloud. In addition, it should be noted that in their terms, these platforms claim to be able to access users' files. So betting on encryption is an option that guarantees us some privacy.

We do not need to encrypt all our files, but we do encrypt those that we consider personal or private. For this, it is necessary that we use a tool that provides this function. The good part is that there are quite a few tools available that help us encrypt our files before uploading them to the cloud. Do you want to know them?

AES Crypt

It is a free and open source option. In a very simple way, it will take charge of encrypting our files. It does so using the Advanced Ecryption Standard algorithm that prevents unwanted access to our documents. It is currently available for Windows, Linux and MacOS. In addition, its very simple interface should be highlighted. So it is a good option for those users with less experience.


This program is a somewhat more complex, but very complete option. Works with full disk drives for certain partitions. So it is a good option to protect backups before we upload them to the cloud. Its use may not be so easy for some users. That is why it is recommended more for those who already have some experience with this type of action.


Like the first, it is an option that stands out for its enormous simplicity and ease of use. So it is again a good alternative for those more inexperienced users on this topic. It also stands out for its speed in carrying out file encryption. It integrates perfectly into Windows as part of the context menu of the system. It should be noted that we can encrypt entire folders with this program. A good option to consider.


This option is one of the most interesting because it has a very useful function. We can directly encrypt those data stored in the cloud. Something that can certainly greatly facilitate the entire process. In this way we guarantee that the company that provides us with the cloud storage service does not have access to our files. It is a program that we can download for free on our computer.

Also noteworthy is its interface, which is very intuitive. So any user can move easily in this program. Something that surely helps a lot, since not all users are experts in the field of file encryption. So if we are learning or are newbies, it is a good option.


Finally, we find a tool that has a free version available. This version is intended for users with less experience in this area. While it also has a paid version, although this is intended for business users. So depending on your needs you can choose the version that suits you best.

This program is available on Windows, MacOS and Linux. We can encrypt the selected files and add a password for more security. So it is another option as complete as we can install on our computer.

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These are some of the most complete tools today to encrypt files. In general they stand out for being simple to use, ideal for all those users who have less experience in file encryption. So surely you will find some that will help you with the encryption of files of these documents that you want to upload to the cloud. Do you use any of these tools?


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