
How to check if your password has been stolen

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Online security is somewhat complicated. We regularly face some malware or Trojan. Something very common is the theft of passwords. A large part of users have faced a problem like this on occasion.

How to check if your password has been stolen

In fact, there are approximately 306 million passwords that have ever been stolen. A figure that gives us a clear idea of ​​the volume that is handled. Although there are likely to be more, as these 306 million belong to the Have I been Pwned database.

Find out if your password has been stolen

Have I been Pwned is a service that we have already told you about before. It is the best and also the most convenient way to check if any of our passwords have been stolen. In the past, we have discussed how to use this service, by entering email. Now, they release a new service.

What you can enter in this case is the password. Simply the password, without the need to enter any other data such as email or names. In this way we can check if said password is part of the service's database. And if so, we may want to consider changing it.

It is certainly a very useful service that we can use at all times. Both to see if our password has been stolen or to check if any of the ones we are using is secure enough or if it has ever been used. Do not hesitate to use this service, which can certainly help us to improve the security of our passwords.


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