How to check the calculator history in windows 10

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One of the most used Windows 10 accessories is the calculator , but sometimes it is used to do somewhat more complex calculations than usual and we may be interested to see the history to carry out checks.
How to view calculator history in Windows 10
Since in this way you can avoid the inconvenience of getting lost or avoid the risk of making a mistake because that way you could see all the operations they have done so far with their respective results. But many people don't know that Windows 10 has a registry function.
To view the calculator history with Windows 10 , we have two ways:
For the first option, what they have to do is open the application, then they should look for an icon that is located in the upper corner of it and click it directly
But they can also do this using a simple keyboard shortcut, they must press Ctrl next to the Shift key and the D key, they must be careful to press all three keys simultaneously, and that will automatically open the calculator history.
Although the best way to do that is to stretch the application window horizontally, until the right panel is fully visible, and in this way they will not have to search the history by other methods since they will always have it at the view.
But if at any time they want to delete the history , they should only look for the trash icon inside the history. Or they can also use the same keyboard shortcut they used to make the history visible.
Once they learn this trick they will see that they can get a lot out of it and they will not make the same calculation twice by mistake.
What did you think of this tutorial on how to check the calculator history in Windows 10? We recommend reading the best tutorials for Windows and computing.
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