
▷ How to create vpn in windows 10

Table of contents:


In this tutorial we are going to see how we can create a VPN in Windows 10. We will also see how we can connect to it and how to remove it if we wish. In this way we can navigate more safely by avoiding the censorship of the pages of our place of residence.

Index of contents

Without a doubt, one of the safest ways to work, connect to the internet, and above all, move from one place to another with our secure data is through a VPN network. These types of networks add extra security even if we are not physically connected to our router at home. In this tutorial we will teach you how to use a VPN with Surfshark.

What is a VPN

Before starting the practical process, it is worth reviewing in a basic way what a VPN network is and what benefits we will obtain from it.

A VPN network is a local network in which the users connected to it are geographically separated. Access to this, therefore, will be done through the internet, which is why it is called a virtual network. In this way we can manage our files safely and reliably if we need to be physically where our internal network is. Among the benefits of using a VPN we can highlight the following:

  • Greater security in public connections Avoid certain blocks according to countries or geographical areas Avoid censorship in our own internet provider Improved speed by having dedicated servers Provide greater confidentiality of data

We can differentiate two types of VPN networks according to the type of connection:

  • Client-based VPN: we can connect to a network remotely through a client application that establishes communication through the process called tunneling. Network based VPN: we can connect two networks using another that is not secure through tunneling

Create VPN in Windows 10

Once we have seen the theoretical part a little, we can already be convinced that using VPN is fine.

With Windows 10 we can create a VPN ourselves to be able to use it remotely with our devices. Let's see how to create it:

  • Press the key combination " Windows + R " to open the Run tool. Now we write the following command and press Enter


  • Once inside the list of adapters we will have to press the " Alt " key to activate the taskbar of the window. We click on " File -> New incoming connection "

  • To start the procedure we must select which users will be able to connect to the VPN of this equipment. We recommend creating a new one to use exclusively for this. We click on " add someone…" We write the information about the new user. We will click on " Next " when we have finished

  • Now we must decide how users will connect, if we activate " Through the Internet " we will have the possibility to connect from any computer wherever we are. Now click on next

  • In this window we click on " Internet Protocol version 4 " and click on " Properties "

  • Here we can assign the IP address automatically to the devices that connect, or assign some within a certain range. We leave DHCP as the default and click on " Next "

  • Now we will be informed that the name of the computer that we can use to access the network, or the public IP. By default the name will be quite ugly. If you go to our tutorial on how to change the name of the team, you will know how to change this.

Firewall settings

Once finished with this procedure, we will have to configure our Windows firewall to accept incoming connections. To do this we doing the next:

  • Let's start and write firewall. Click on the main search result

  • Now we click on the option "Allow an application or a feature through Windows Defender Firewall" Here we locate the line "Routing and remote access" and activate both boxes Click on "accept"

Router configuration

If we have chosen the option that users can connect through the Internet, it will be necessary for us to open port 1723 for the IP of the server equipment in our router so that the incoming connections are accepted. To do this we must know the IP address of our internal router to access it.

  • To do this, in the same window in which we are, click on the " Ethernet " adapter with the right button. Choose " Status " and inside the window click on " Details... " We must identify the line " Default IPv4 Gateway " to access to the router and also the line " IPv4 address " to later assign the open port to this equipment

  • If we write this address in our browser, we will access the configuration of the router We will need to enter the access password, which will normally be 1234 or admin. If we do not look at the bottom of the router to see if it is there written. If we cannot locate it we will contact the network provider.

We will have to open port 1723 to the IP of our computer on our router. The steps from here depend on each router, so it is best to find the manual for it.

We also need to know the public IP address of our router to know where we are going to connect from abroad. For this we will use this link and it will tell us what our real IP is.

Once this is done, we will only have to go to another computer and connect to our VPN server

Create VPN connection in Windows 10

Let's see then how to create a connection in Windows 10:

  • We go to " start " and click on the cogwheel to open the configuration.

  • Now we access the " Network and Internet " option. Within this we go to the " VPN " section. Click on the button where it says " Add a VPN connection. "

  • Now a window will appear for the introduction of the data related to the VPN to which we want to connect

The credentials that we will have to enter will be the following:

  • VPN provider: here we select the option “Windows (integrated)” Connection name: we type a name for our connection Server name or address: here we will have to put the public IP address of our router VPN type: here we can choose with we want establish connection. We can leave it in automatic so that the system can test the most appropriate connection. Type of login information: in our case, it will be through username and password. Username and password: we will enter the username and password that we have previously configured on our server.

  • To finish, click on " Save "

Now the VPN connection in Windows 10 will be created, the next thing will be to establish the connection

If we do not want to create a VPN ourselves, we also have a more than interesting option and that is to use a free VPN server called VPNBook. Thanks to it it is possible to connect to a VPN network without paying a penny, unless we want to donate of course.

To find out what servers exist and what is the username and password, access the VPNBook page

Connect to a created VPN

Now if we open the icon of the network connection of our PC located in the taskbar, we will see that in addition to the network adapter we also have the VPN created

To connect we will only have to click on the connection and the button will appear to perform the action.

If the credentials are correct the connection will be successful

If we go to the configuration window and click on the connection, we can access its advanced options. If we have entered the data incorrectly, we can click on " Edit " to be able to change it. We can also configure whether our network profile is going to be public or private.

Disconnect from a VPN and remove the network

To delete a connection the first thing we must do is disconnect from it by pressing either the button from the taskbar or from within the configuration

Now we must go to the configuration and click on the connection. We will have the button available to delete this.

In this way we will be connected to our network in a normal and current way.

Well this is the way to create, connect and delete a VPN connection in Windows 10. What would be really useful would be to have a router that was capable of creating its own VPN. In future articles we will do just this.

In the meantime, you may also be interested in:

If you want to take advantage of the offer that Surfshark offers, we leave you a link for you to see. What do you think of the benefits of being connected to a VPN? If you have had any problem creating this, leave it in the comments


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