
How to disable dark mode only in apps (macos)

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We recently told you how to disable dark mode in Google Chrome for Mac. Many users love the dark mode of macOS Mojave, but you may also not like using this darkness in everyday applications. If this is your case, you should continue reading.

Dark mode, system only

Last September, macOS Mojave also landed the much-rumored and desired dark mode. Thanks to this option we can enjoy an interface that many find more pleasant, and not only from an aesthetic perspective, but also from a health one. In environments with reduced light, the dark mode is less tiring for our eyes and helps reduce fatigue.

The macOS dark mode , once activated, darkens all elements of the system. It also does the same with all those applications that include compatibility with dark mode, which will be activated automatically. But what if we want to keep this mode in the system but not in the applications? Once again, in Terminal we will find a simple and quick solution.

As I was saying, open the Terminal application on your Mac, either through Spotlight or through the Launchpad. Then copy and paste the following command:

defaults write -g NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance -bool Yes

Press the classic "enter" key on your keyboard and restart the system (botón button in the menu bar → Restart). Once your Mac has restarted you will be able to see how the dark mode is maintained in all the system elements such as menus and bars, while all the applications will show a clear interface.

And if you want to go back, repeat the previous operation, this time, using the defaults delete -g NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance command. Of course, remember that for these commands to take effect you must have dark mode activated in System Preferences.

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