
▷ How to defragment windows 10 disk

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Defragmenting our hard drive is something that we have practically been doing all our lives. We loved how the Windows XP tool took a few squares on one side and put them on the other… for hours… Even today we can defragment Windows 10 disk, although the tool has changed significantly. Let's see in this new step by step how we can defragment Windows 10 disk.

Before getting down to work, we must point out that if you have an SSD hard drive, it will not be necessary to defragment anything, although we can and must “optimize” its content. This is because these types of drives do not have a magnetic disk to physically record files on. On a SSD disk we store files on solid state chips, such as RAM but permanently. It does not make sense to speak of fragmentation in this type of units, but of optimization.

Defragment Windows 10 disk with Defrag tool

Before installing anything, in Windows 10 we have a tool to carry out these actions. His name even today is Defrag. To access it we will do the following:

  • Write in the start menu "Defragment and optimize drives" We choose the option that appears with this name (not the one that says defrag). To do this we must run it as administrator, we do this by right-clicking on the program and choosing "Run as administrator"

  • The tool will open.

  • Before defragmenting, it is convenient that we select each of the hard drives and click on "Analyze", in this way we will know what level of fragmentation each of the drives will have.

  • Now we select the disk that we want to defragment. If in the “Current status” tab it tells us that everything is correct, it will not be necessary to do anything. Although once the drive is selected, click on “Optimize”. Now, if it is a solid drive, it will be optimized and if it is a normal hard drive, will defragment.

In addition, this tool has the possibility of programming the optimization of the hard drives that we have. To do this we go to the "Scheduled optimization" section and click on "Change settings". Here we can choose when our team will do this procedure automatically.

To choose the units that we want the tool to optimize periodically, click on the "Choose" option . In this, we select the ones we want.

Bitterly we don't have the graphical representation of squares of Windows XP and we cannot tolerate this. So we are going to give another option, in this case through an external program, to defragment like yesteryear and better.

Defragment Windows disk with Defraggler

Defraggler is a very complete free tool that allows us to defragment our hard disk in the best possible way. We can download it from its official page and also how much with a portable option that we will not even need to install it on our computer. From its interface we can:

  • Of course analyze and optimize our hard drive See the occupancy statistics of our hard drive

  • List all the files it contains and select the specific folders that we want to defragment

  • Monitor the life and activity of our hard drive

To defragment a hard drive, the first thing we will have to do is select it and click "Analyze", in this way we will be able to see the level of fragmentation it presents. Which is also quite different from what it initially tells us to Windows 10 application.

Next, with the selected disk we have two options depending on the type of hard disk that is:

  • Optimize (slow or fast): if our hard disk is SSD, we have already seen that the concept of defragmentation did not make sense in SSD Defrag (slow or fast): if our hard disk is mechanical.

For our part, we are going to defragment one of them, which has a fragmentation level of 49%, very high.

We just have to choose the option that suits us and the process will begin. The process can take a long time, so we will also have the option to pause it or directly stop it.

With these two options we already have enough material to proceed with defragmentation or, where appropriate, optimization of our hard drive. What option are you going to choose? If you know any better you just have to leave it in the comments. We hope you liked this step by step.

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