
How to choose a sound card on pc 【tips】

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If you have been in the PC world for a few years, the doubt will have jumped: How to choose a sound card ? Although currently the integrated audio that we can find is of much better quality than in the past; Taking the leap towards better audio on your PC requires, at some point, acquiring a better sound card.

This piece, which is usually found by default in some component of the equipment, is in charge of receiving, transforming and transmitting the audio between the different elements that participate in the reproduction or recording of the sound we hear on our PC.

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In the variety is the taste, but also the doubt is born

Sound cards are a component with many applications, uses and audiences, which translates into an enormous supply of models and variations populating the market.

It is easy that when acquiring a sound card we end up paying more for features that we do not need, or find that the chosen one does not meet our expectations.

Today we aspire to guide the steps of those users less skilled in the matter, bringing a series of basic observations about what we should take into account when we acquire one of these pieces.

What will we use the sound card for?

There is nothing more important when purchasing a sound card than asking yourself what you are going to use it for. And this is a question that we must realistically ask ourselves; The audio equipment of which the sound cards are part is expensive if we jump to the most enthusiastic sector, or to the professional, so the ideal is to consider what use it will be given in your day to day. That should be our first step.

For those who consume content

If our main activity in front of the computer has to do with the consumption of multimedia content, getting one of these sound cards can be as valid a purchase as any other. We will see great allies in generalist sound cards, for audiophiles, or intended for gaming , leaving aside the professional ones.

Image: wikimedia commons

For the latter ( gaming sound cards), internal sound cards are especially interesting due to the wide range and models available. In addition, they usually have technologies to favor the use of headphones, so widespread among players, enhance bass, or ambient sound are some common characteristics.

Sound cards of this type do their job very well when it comes to transmitting the sound to those who are going to reproduce it, but if we want to “create” these sounds we should aim for another type of product, one of a more professional nature.

For those who believe it

If our normal use of equipment involves the production of audible content, and not just its consumption, we should take other factors into account. A good example is given by the number of audio inputs and outputs, which should be approximated to the number of tools we use (microphone inputs, or line for instruments) and the way we record. -amplifiers), which condition the quality of the instruments we use in the recordings, or the power options available.

In the professional section, the variables are even more decisive and deserve their own text, so we will not delve further into them throughout this article and focus on sound cards that are more focused on content consumption.

We must attend to the (musical) equipment we have for the sound card

As obvious as it may seem, it is important to buy a sound card that suits the equipment that we already have on the table. Our recommendation is that you do not plan for the future, the sound equipment is more important than the sound card itself, so if you have to choose between investing more in a good sound card, or a good sound equipment, focus on the second (always attending to your needs).

With this clear, we must take into account the quality and performance of this equipment. Getting a sound card with a high-powered amplifier to power common in-ear headphones is usually not a good idea, to give a simple example.

Most desks have 2.0 or 2.1 speaker equipment that does not require additional power, or low-power headphones (most gaming headsets could fall into this category). But if it is not our case, check the ideal food for your team and the number of inputs you need before making a decision.

Consider the strengths of each proposal

Although we have differentiated internal and external sound cards and audio interfaces, they are all part of the same family and the same component. In essence, they are all a digital-to-analog converter (DAC) with an amplifier (AMP) or pre-amplifier, but it is worth noting how each one stands out:

  • The internal sound cards: they stand out for the compatible software and for having a good quality in their DAC-AMP. The external sound cards: they stand out for their versatility, ease and their ability to be used together with other equipment.: They are specially prepared for music production and their characteristics revolve around it.

If you have decided to do without the audio integrated in your equipment; For us, these three points are the general keys to get a sound card, working as the foundation on which to build your future acquisition. Our tutorial on how to choose a sound card has helped you.


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