
How to avoid malicious applications on our smartphone

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More and more malicious applications are detected on Android. Many users download them and end up suffering the consequences and are infected by a virus. This is somewhat annoying, and in many cases can put the user's security and privacy at risk.

How to avoid malicious applications on our smartphone

It looks like malicious apps are not going to go anywhere anytime soon. Luckily, there are some tricks that help us to avoid them as much as possible. Thus, at least we can be sure that we have done everything possible not to be infected by one of these malicious applications.

Tricks to avoid malicious applications

The main tricks to avoid downloading and being infected by a malicious application are:

  • Beware of unknown sources: Although malicious applications are also at ease through Google Play, security in the official store is greater. And also, new tools are being introduced to protect us. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid downloading something from an unknown website. Control permissions: When we install an application, we are usually asked to accept a series of permissions. Generally, malicious applications ask for some very specific or unusual permissions for their activity. Therefore, it is important to check what permissions they request. Memory cleaning applications: They are a hoax. Avoid this type of application at all costs. They don't help the performance of the phone, they actually make it worse. So it is important to always avoid this type of applications. Battery applications: Another type of applications that we should avoid. They are applications that are useless. They do not help the phone battery, in fact they can make you consume more. And all they do is collect our data.

With these simple tricks we can have some additional guarantee. And so, we do our best to stay in touch or download applications whose sole purpose is to cause us problems.


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