
How to make an outline in word: explained step by step

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Microsoft Word offers us many options when editing a document. There are many tools with which to organize everything in it correctly. In some cases we can resort to creating an index in the document editor. Although this is not always what is needed at that time. So we can also make use of a schema.

How to make an outline in Word

Many users are unaware of how an outline can be created in Word. The reality is that the process is simpler than you think. Therefore, below we tell you all the steps we have to follow in this case.

Aspects to consider

Thanks to an outline, we will have a structured summary of the content of a specific document. For this reason, as already happens with the index, the document will have to be organized in levels, which can be divided into main points. We can use a scheme whenever we want, although they are used especially in very long documents. An essential aspect is to consider when to use it, whether before writing the entire document or afterwards.

If we do it before, then the outline serves as a guide to write this document in Word. It can be useful if we have the points that we are going to develop, but the content is missing. On the other hand, it can also be done at the end, when we have finished writing the document. The options are just as valid.

Create outline in Word

In any case, whether we create the outline before or after the text is written, the steps to follow in this regard are the same. It may be a little easier if we already have the text written, because this way it is easier to distinguish the various levels that we find in it. But both options are equally valid. Once a Word document is open, we have to go to the View menu, at the top of the screen.

In there we find an option called Scheme, located on the left of the screen. So, we can see that the text is already going to be shown in outline format. Then it is a matter of writing the titles that we are going to use in the document, and assigning the level that corresponds to each of them. For this we only have to use the level buttons that are in said menu.

If we already had a text created in the document, then we have to assign the levels to them as well. Normally, Word will assign the corresponding level, depending on the type of title you have used in the document. Although in case you have not used these titles, then we will have to apply the levels manually in each case. Although it is better to assign title 1, title 2, etc. in the document first. It helps us to have a good structure at all times, which is then applied to the scheme we are creating.

As you can see, creating an outline in a Word document is not a complicated thing. It simply requires that we take a good look at the various levels within it. But if we keep this always in mind, we will have no problem creating such a scheme.


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