How to install Thunderbird on Ubuntu Linux
Table of contents:
- How to install Thunderbird on Ubuntu Linux
- What is Thunderbird?
- Procedure to install Thunderbird on Ubuntu Linux
Email is not dead and it will take a long time for that to happen, especially when large companies continue to invest in complex and increasingly advanced email exchange systems, as well as when free software continues to make significant advances in tools that allow us to manage our emails efficiently.
Index of contents
How to install Thunderbird on Ubuntu Linux
In this long life cycle of email, one of the tools that has contributed the most to its correct management is Thunderbird, who is by far the best email client that exists today, so it is important to learn how to install Thunderbird in Ubuntu Linux and with this to be able to enjoy to the maximum the experience of a fast, easy and above all very secure email management.
What is Thunderbird?
Thunderbird is a free and free multiplatform email client, developed by the Mozilla Foundation that allows us to manage and organize our emails easily, incorporates a series of technology that makes it very secure, its resource consumption is quite low and its interface is pretty intuitive.
This email manager is equipped with various functionalities for filtering, labeling and searching for emails, it is compatible with almost all the email services that exist today and is used by both private parties and very important companies.
Thunderbird has created many mechanisms that help us block annoying spam emails, and the extensive community behind the tool allows your code to be constantly checked for vulnerabilities. Similarly, Thunderbird's principle of maintenance is stability and security that has allowed the tool to last over time.
Procedure to install Thunderbird on Ubuntu Linux
The easiest way to install Thunderbird in Ubuntu Linux is using the official application binaries, which are constantly updated and distributed for both 32-bit and 64-bit architecture, these binaries are compatible with any distro based on the Linux kernel, so the installation procedure should work on any other distro.
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Before starting to install Thunderbird we must download the latest version of the tool from the following link, locate the directory of the latest version (currently version 55.0b9), then locate the directory corresponding to Linux and our architecture, finally enter the directory for the language we want to install and download the .tar.bz2 package.
Once we have the corresponding package in our computer, we open a terminal and we are located in the directory where it was downloaded, then we proceed to decompress the package with the following command:
sudo tar -jxvf thunderbird-55.0b2.tar.bz2
Make sure to replace the name of the package with the one you have downloaded, the process will be quite fast and a folder will be created with the name of thunderbird that will contain all the necessary files.
After this we must create a symbolic link to the file that runs Thunderbird in the / usr / bin directory, to perform this task simply run the following command:
sudo ln -s / opt / thunderbird / thunderbird / usr / bin / thunderbird
With this we can already run thunderbird from the terminal by placing the following command:
/ opt / thunderbird / thunderbird
Now the ideal is that we can access thunderbird from anywhere and have direct access to the application, for this you simply have to create a text file called Thunderbird.desktop which must be stored in the / usr / share / applications directory, it must contain the following:
Name = Thunderbird mail client Comment = Thunderbird mail client Exec = / opt / thunderbird / thunderbird Icon = / opt / thunderbird / chrome / icons / default / default256.png Terminal = false Type = Application Encoding = UTF-8 Categories = Application; Network; MailClient; Email; News; GTK; MimeType = message / rfc822; StartupWMClass = Thunderbird-bin StartupNotify = true
The previous file will create a shortcut to the tool, it will be located in the Internet category, as an Email Client, so it will be very easy to find it.
With this simple procedure we have Thunderbird installed in Ubuntu and we will be able to manage all our emails appropriately, you can manage all the email accounts you want, regardless of the service where it is hosted, in the same way, the tool will allow us to store our emails locally, for what you will have a backup that you can read even when there is no connection.
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