
How to hide photos on ios 12

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Sometimes, you may not want certain images stored on your iPhone or iPad to be visible to the eyes of third parties, however, you do not want to delete them from your photo library either. Luckily, the iOS Photos application offers us a feature thanks to which those photos will be kept hidden in a special folder without appearing in the main library of your photos and videos. Next, we will see how to hide photos in iOS 12 in a simple way.

Hide photos on your iPhone and iPad

Before starting you must take into account that the photos you hide will no longer be accessible from the main section of the Photos app, however, they will appear in the different albums where you have included them. For example, if you hide a photo from your last trip to Rome and created an album with all those images, that photo will no longer be seen in “All Photos”, however, it will remain visible in the album “Trip to Rome”. Consequently, if what you want to do is completely hide images, you should consider using a third-party application that allows the app to be blocked. Fortunately, you can find different alternatives in the App Store.

How to hide pictures in Photos app

  1. First of all, open the Photos application on your iPhone or iPad. From the main album "All photos", press the Select option located in the upper right corner of the screen and in blue letters. Now press all those images that you want to hide from the main Photo library, after that, press the Share icon or button that you can see in the lower left corner of the screen (it looks like a square with an arrow pointing outwards, and it is drawn in blue) It will appear On screen the Share section that includes different options such as sending the images by Messages, Telegram, adding to notes, sharing on Facebook, etc. This section is divided into two rows. In the bottom row you will find the Hide option , identified with a kind of rectangle and an oblique line crossing it out. Click on it. Now confirm the action by pressing "Hide X photos".

From now on, all the photos you have selected, and those you will select in the future, will be stored in a new folder under the name Hidden. You will be able to access this folder or album from the Albums tab located at the bottom of the Photos screen. Descend to the bottom and you can access it.

How to redisplay previously hidden images

Probably, later on you want to go the opposite way, that is, show in the main library of the Photos app those images that you had previously sent to the album of hidden images. Perhaps you no longer have snoops around you, or you have simply changed your mind. In any case, the process is as simple as the one we have just seen. To carry it out, simply follow the following instructions:

  1. First of all, open the Photos app on your iPhone or iPad Select the Albums tab located at the bottom of the Photos screen Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and select the hidden album (see the screenshot above you have more above these lines).Tap the Select option located in the upper right corner of the screen and in blue letters.Tap on the images you want to display.Tap the Share icon you see in the lower left corner of the screen, the one that looks like a square with an arrow pointing outwards, and in blue color) In the bottom row of the options window, tap on the Show option .

From now on, your previously hidden photos will reappear in the main Photos app library. Remember that the process is exactly the same on both iPhone and iPad.

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