How to know the lifespan of an ssd?

Table of contents:
- How to know the useful life of an SSD?
- CrystalDiskInfo: Know the life of your SSD
- What data do we look at?
SSDs offer many advantages to users compared to hard drives. They are faster (up to 10 times more), lighter and take up less space. Its main disadvantage is its price, which as we have already commented on several occasions and you too, is too high.
How to know the useful life of an SSD?
We have said that they are faster, lighter and that they need less space than a hard disk. All this is true, but there is still a question that we have not mentioned. Its useful life. Do they last longer than a hard drive? In general, SSDs tend to have a lower write cycle than hard drives. Therefore, its lifespan may be somewhat shorter than that of a hard drive.
Luckily there are ways to find out the exact lifespan of our SSD. How? With a tool that we present below.
CrystalDiskInfo: Know the life of your SSD
Thanks to this tool we can know the useful life of our SSD. CrystalDiskInfo offers us a lot of information, with which we can have a very complete overview of the state of our SSD. In this way, we can estimate and have a good idea about how much useful life is left in our SSD.
It is a free program, which we can download without any problem. Once you download it to your computer, you just have to run it to be able to know the analysis it makes of the SSD. As you can see for yourself, it is a very complete analysis, and it provides us with a lot of really useful information.
We recommend our guide to the best SSDs on the market
What data do we look at?
One thing to keep in mind is Total Host Writes. It is a data that will show us the amount of data that we have already written or used so far in our unit. There is also other data that provides us with information on the hours that our SSD has been on. Thanks to this data we can know how long our PC has been on from the moment of purchase. Also, all the times we have turned it on. Without a doubt a very complete control.
CrystalDiskInfo will give you information and so you can see what is the useful life of your SSD. Also, see how much you have consumed so far. Thus, in the event of being on the verge of failure or the end of its useful life, you can change it for another SSD. Also to have a general idea of the useful life of a new SSD, and a control on the use we make of it. It is a really useful tool that can help us a lot. What do you think of CrystalDiskInfo? Are you going to use it?
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