
How to fix cpu consumption of windows modules installer worker

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You may be a Windows 8 or Windows 10 user and find yourself in the situation where the Tiworker.exe process (Windows Modules Installer Worker) consumes too many resources of your processor or CPU. If that's the case, you need to find a solution. It is necessary to reduce this consumption, since it is not normal to consume so much. Luckily, it is a bug that has a fairly simple solution.

How to troubleshoot CPU consumption of Windows Modules Installer Worker

Windows Modules Installer Worker performs a very important task. Since it is responsible for maintaining the computer. So it will search and install the updates that are available. A task like this shouldn't consume too many resources. Especially if we leave the computer idle. But, sometimes it happens that this process begins to consume many resources.

It is a Windows Update bug that we have to fix. But, the solution is simple. Therefore, we explain below the steps to carry out:

Fix CPU Consumption of Windows Modules Installer Worker

In this case we have to follow a series of steps. We explain them all below. This is what needs to be done to fix the problem.

  • Open the Control Panel In the search box you have to write troubleshooting We open troubleshooting We press to execute maintenance tasks (in the end in system and security)

  • We press next It opens the following window in which it asks if we want to try to solve problems as an administrator. Click on this option.

  • We follow the steps indicated by the wizard to solve any problems. Next we have to carry out the second mandatory step. We are going to solve the problems of consuming existing resources. We have to download the "Windows Update Troubleshooter". You can do it here. We run once downloaded Click next Now you will start looking for solutions to problems. We have to wait a few minutes until I find them. After a few minutes it will correct the two problems that appear in the image above. Once it shows that they have been corrected, we close the troubleshooter.

After having carried out all these steps, we can already forget about the problems with CPU consumption by the Tiworker.exe process (Windows Modules Installer Worker). In addition, there will also be no excessive consumption of resources when the computer is idle and there will be no problems with updates. So all of these problems are part of the past.

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