
How to have the best aesthetics on your pc 【best tips】 ⭐️

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If you want to personalize your PC to the maximum, you will be interested in this article. Inside, we give you some tips to have a better aesthetic on your PC.

Sometimes people not only want to get the most out of their PC, they want to set their PC apart from the rest. This is achieved through aesthetics, a section that is increasingly important in the world "master race". For this reason, we have thought of giving you some tips to have the best possible PC aesthetics.

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Get a better aesthetic on your PC

Some may disagree with me, but anyone can improve the appearance of their computer, regardless of the PC they have. Logically, if our components are high-end, they will be more attractive and beautiful because they will incorporate lighting technologies such as RGB.

As a tip, tell you not to improvise in the design: choose a theme or colors to follow to plan the customization correctly. Opt for “all black”, “full red / green / blue / yellow” or “RGB” themes if you want a striking interior. They are thematic by way of example.

However, it is not totally necessary to have these components, but as I always say: "the more sugar, the sweeter". So we are going to develop how to achieve an aesthetic improvement for the PC.

Step one: make a budget

First of all, we have to have a budget limit to know where to cut or where we can spend more. This is crucial to avoid surprises later. You will set the budget because each one has different possibilities, such as varied needs.

To open your mouth, we will tell you that we are going to focus on the following sections:

  • PC box. Wiring. Power supply. Heatsink or cooling. Ventilation. Lighting. RAM memory. Graphics card. BONUS: custom refrigeration.

PC case, chassis or cabinet

All customization starts with the chassis or PC case. In this way, it is very important that you choose or have a PC case that gives a lot of play when it comes to personalizing. If you are in the case of choosing a chassis, I would advise you to pay attention to certain details, such as the following:

  • RGB lighting. Many boxes come with RGB lighting pre-installed in the box or on the fans. This will make things easier for us. Possibility of installing fans, especially on the top and on the front of the box. Form factor. I always recommend ATX or Micro-ATX, although the latter are somewhat more expensive. To tell you that the E-ATX are a great choice to have the most equipment, but keep in mind their high price.
      • If you are going to install a custom refrigeration kit, I always recommend E-ATX.
    Tempered glass. At this point, it is essential that you have a tempered glass on the side to see the components installed inside. If you can opt for a fully glazed box, it will be more spectacular. Obviously, it carries its risks of breakage, such as the duty to clean the windows every time. Compatibilities. Finally, pay attention to the connections of the motherboard and the box so as not to disable any USB port. Take a look at the form factor too.

In the event that you have a box already purchased and you want to use it, leave it ready. To do this, clean it thoroughly to have at least a decent presentation. You can do this by following our tutorials:

  • Rigid tube or soft tube. Types of liquids for liquid cooling.

We know that custom liquid cooling is not for everyone, nor do we recommend it to everyone. However, no one is born learned, so we have been making these tutorials for those who want to start in the custom world and know the key details to avoid surprises. Here are some quick tips:

  • Be careful when choosing liquids. If you have never assembled one, install soft tubes. Maintenance every 6 months. Be careful not to leave the guides completely open. Monitor temperatures periodically.

We hope this tutorial has helped you. If you have any questions, let us know by commenting below. If you think a suggestion is missing, you can comment it to help the rest of the readers, such as including us.

We encourage you to share photos of your setups to inspire and give ideas to those who do not know how to personalize their PC. You can always get an aesthetic improvement for our PC.

We recommend the best heatsinks, fans and liquid cooling for PC

Do you miss any suggestion? How have you customized your PC?


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