
How to use ping command to view latency and external ip

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In this new article we are going to talk about everything that the Ping command can offer us. If you thought that the most important thing about an internet connection was just the bandwidth you were wrong, other things that are very important to take into account are the latency or the waiting time between request and response of a data connection. With the Ping Windows 10 command, we can measure this attribute of our connection and determine the quality of it in this regard.

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We are used to always expressing the connection we have through its bandwidth, that is, through the Megabits per second that it is capable of downloading from a website. Obviously, the higher this figure, the greater capacity the connection will have to send or receive data from the network.

On the other hand, we must speak of latency. Latency basically measures the time it takes to establish a connection, or what is the same, the time it takes to access a web page from when we click on the button until we can see its content. This time is measured in milliseconds.

What is Ping

Ping is a utility that is natively implemented in Windows precisely to measure the latency of a connection to any point in the world. Surely we have all heard something about this command that should be used in the command prompt console.

The ping can be imagined as the operation of the sonar of a submarine. When we run the Ping utility, what we are doing is sending an ICMP message encapsulated in an IP packet from our own computer to another destination. When it reaches its destination, it returns it back to us. The time it takes to go and return this packet is the latency of our connection.

What if it doesn't come back? Ping in addition to latency also determines whether we have a connection to the destination to which we are trying to send the packet. If it does not return, it is because the connection with the recipient has not occurred.

You will imagine that the lower the result obtained, the less latency we will have towards the destination, and therefore, the better and faster the connection will be.

Run Ping

To execute ping we can do it in two different ways:

  • Through CMD: We must open the start menu and write " cmd ". An icon with a black screen and the name " Command Prompt " will appear as a search result. Press Enter or click on it to run the application. Inside it we can write the command

  • Through PowerShell: If we right click on the start menu, a tool menu will open. We must identify the option " PowerShell ", if we click we will access a window similar to cmd but blue. The functionality in this case will be the same.

When we are in one of the two windows we must place the following command


For example, if we want to ping Professionalreview we will have to write: “ ping www.profesionalreview.com ”. We must not put the address buy it with http: // since it will not work.

Ping not only sends a packet, but does four repetitions for a better test result. In this result we will obtain the following data:

  • Real IP address of the destination: in the first one we will see the name of the site and an IP address in square brackets, this is the real IP address of Profesionalreview and we will be able to know it using this command. If we “ ping ” we will be pinging Professionalreview too.

  • Latency time: in the following lines we will see a value " time = Xms ", this represents the time in milliseconds that the package has taken to come and go from our team to Professionalreview TTL: This value represents the life time of the packages sent to the target

Ping Windows 10 Command Extra Options

If we write the command

ping /?

We will get all the options available to this command in Windows

In the previous image we can see the different options we have to obtain more personalized information. For example if we use “ ping –t www.profesionalreview ” the command will be executed until we cut it.

What ping should i have

The normal thing will be to have a ping of between 25 and 40 milliseconds, between these values ​​we can consider our connection good. In fiber connections we can obtain better latencies close to 5 ms, this is already a very good connection.

If, on the contrary, we obtain 60 ms or higher records, we must consider that in an online game we will have an important lag, and if we exceed 100 ms, we will see players teleporting like Goku in Dragon Ball. With a high latency we will also notice that video calls or streaming videos are choppy or freeze for a few seconds.

Causes and solutions to improve latency

High latency can be due to different factors or all of them together, for example:

  • Connection type: cable connections are always faster than via antenna or WiFi, so if we want to play or watch stremaing, it is more advisable to connect the equipment to an ethernet cable. The connection with the lowest latency is of course fiber optics, although it is not within everyone's reach. The utilization load of the connection: if under the same connection we have several computers connected simultaneously, the latency will increase significantly due to the greater number of requests abroad Connection optimization software: although it seems incredible these software more than help what they do is further saturate the network causing latency to rise. We recommend deactivating them. The same happens if we are in a VPN with more routing hops, higher latency, we will get old equipment or hardware: if you have a very old equipment or a fairly old router, the connection will normally lose quality in all aspects.

We already know in more detail what ping is and what its usefulness is, now it's up to you to test its options

We also recommend:

What is the latency of your connection and from where do you make it? Write us with the ping results or if you have any problem with the command options. We will try to help you where we can.


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