Catblok reaches microsoft edge for web ad blocking
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Now CatBlok can help you solve your problems with advertising banners. How many times have we entered a web page in which in addition to finding advertising that in some way is beneficial for what is the maintenance of the different web pages, we also find advertising that becomes intrusive, causing the pages to take time in loading and making our browser extremely slow? Many times right?
How to install CatBlok in Microsoft Edge?
Now, you will no longer have to suffer from this problem, since with the use of CatBlok you can avoid it, this is the name of the new extension for blocking unwanted ads.
This new extension brings, unlike AdBlock, a higher loading speed, as well as a greater capacity to adapt to the needs of users.
In a way, the extensions of ad blockers or advertising in browsers have become the enemies of many advertisers and until now the best known was AdBlock Plus, which is available for Google Chrome, Firefox and Microsoft Edge, for its part CatBlok already has a version available for Crhome and is working on Firefox.
Importantly, this new extension will only work on computers running Windows 10 Build 14291. As for its installation process, although it requires a few more steps than for the installation of AdBlock, it is not complicated at all, you only have to download the extension, extract the folder and then install it with a click on the word Setup.
Among its functions you will find one quite similar to that of AdBlock, in which you can add or create a white list of the ads and / or advertisers you want to see, or even block YouTube channels.
It is always good to have several options, because from there we will choose the one that we consider does the job in the best way.
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