
▷ How to activate and deactivate airplane mode windows 10

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Today we will see how to activate or deactivate airplane mode Windows 10. The airplane mode, as it happens with mobile devices, is useful for when we want to disconnect all the incoming and outgoing connections of our team to work in spaces where this type of connection is not allowed. It is a resource that will be very present especially in people who need to work from their equipment while they travel, or simply to avoid accesses we do not want the equipment or tranquility while we sleep.

Index of contents

It is convenient that we know in an approximate way how the airplane mode works and what advantages or disadvantages we will obtain when activating it.

What is airplane mode and what is it for?

As we have said, the airplane mode is a mechanism that deactivates the incoming and outgoing connections of our laptop, Tablet or Smartphone. With airplane mode activated we will deactivate all these connections:

  • Telephone signal 3G / 4G data navigation and others Bluetooth GPS location service NFC transmission and of course Wi-Fi connection

Although a detail that Windows does not have is that airplane mode does not disable the sound of the computer as it usually happens with mobile devices.

What are the advantages of activating airplane mode?

If mobile devices were originally thought to influence airplane navigation systems, this appears to be more of a myth than a reality. However, we have to leave our equipment in airplane mode or off while we travel, or at least in most cases.

But the advantages that airplane mode really offers us are the following

  • Considerable battery savings: yes, with airplane mode we save a lot of battery, due to the deactivation of wireless connections that normally consume a lot of resources from our laptop. Do not disturb us while we sleep: the only thing we will hear with the airplane mode active is the sound of the alarm if we have it activated. Charge the battery faster: obviously by spending less resources, we will also be gaining in the battery charging time. Block advertising: in the absence of connections we will not get incoming messages from the Windows 10 notification center.

How to activate airplane mode in Windows 10

Windows makes it easy enough for us to enable or disable this feature. Let's see the steps we must take to activate or deactivate airplane mode:

  • We must go to the start menu and click on the cogwheel that appears in the lower left area of ​​the menu. This button will open the Windows 10 configuration panel.

  • Now we are going to go to the icon of "Network and Internet"

  • Within this, we must place ourselves on the "Airplane mode" section located on the left side. Click on it to see the options.

Well, this window is where we can do this. If we click on the button in the “Airplane mode” section, it will be activated.

Desktops do not have this option available

The elements that we have previously commented will be automatically deactivated.

Direct access to airplane mode

But there is also a very simple trick to activate airplane mode on a laptop. And all we have to do is click on the notification center icon, which is located on the right side of the taskbar.

When we open it, a series of icons will appear, which should appear as airplane mode. Pressing this we can quickly activate and deactivate it.

Activate airplane mode icon in Windows 10

But it is also possible that it does not appear, so we can activate this icon so that we have it available in this quick access panel. For this we will do the following:

  • We must reopen the Windows configuration panel through the steps previously mentioned. Now we go to the " System " section in the main window. Once inside, we are located on " Notifications and actions " so that a panel with a series of icons We must click on " Add or remove quick actions "

Well now in this new window we look in the list of icons for " Airplane Mode " and activate it. In this way we will already have this in the quick access panel of our team.

In this simple way we can activate or deactivate airplane mode in Windows 10

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We hope this little article has cleared up your doubts about Windows 10 airplane mode. If you need help on any topic, don't hesitate to write to us.


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