
▷ How to change public network to private windows 10

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When we install Windows 10 we access it for the first time, the first thing we find is the network configuration that we want to set for our computer. If we are in our house, the normal thing is that we choose the home network option or something similar and we do not give it more importance. But sometimes, especially if we have a laptop, we must pay more attention to the configuration of our type of network. Today we will see how to change public network to private Windows 10 and we will see what are its main differences.

Index of contents

The network configuration greatly influences the way in which our team is visible from a network by other users. This is especially important if we have a laptop and connect in public places.

Windows 10 network types

When we choose a network configuration for a computer, it configures certain security and firewall parameters according to the type of network. In this way, if we are going to connect at home or at work or in a public place, these parameters must be changed if we attempt to protect our safety. There are two types of networks in Windows 10:

Private networks

This type of configuration is recommended if we are physically connected to a router in our home via ethernet, or via Wi-Fi with the security that no one can access or connect to it.

In this type of network, Windows enables the network detection functions by default and in this way other devices can see our Windows equipment on the network. In this way, the exchange of files on the network is greatly facilitated, since we will only have to share a folder so that the rest of the computers connected to the same network can see it. Furthermore, it is not even necessary to configure the workgroup or any other credential.

Public networks

If we adopt a public network configuration, this will be similar to that of public centers with access to Wi-Fi networks. For these, Windows deactivates by default the visibility options of our equipment in the network since it understands that they are networks in which our security is compromised against the large number of computers that can connect to it.

How to know what type of network I have

To know what type of network we have configured in our team we will have to do the following:

  • We go to "Start" and write "Control Panel" We access this and choose as a presentation the view by icons (option in the upper right corner) The option to locate is the "Network and Sharing Center"

When we access it, it will show us our network settings. Above all there will be a diagram in which we will see the type of network we have. In our case it is private.

Change public network to private Windows 10

We also have the option to change from a public to a private Windows 10 network. This is useful if for example we are at home with the laptop connected by Wifi and we want to share a folder from it and that other computers see it. If we are in public configuration we will not be able to do it since our default equipment will be invisible. So, let's see how to change a public network to private Windows 10:

  • We are going to go to the start menu and we are going to click on the configuration wheel to access it. Now we are going to locate the option "Network and Internet"

  • In the new option window we choose from the left side the option of "Ethernet" in case our connection is physical, or "Wifi" if our connection is via Wifi. Once here, we go to the right and click on the icon of the network

A series of options will appear in the new window. We are interested in the one entitled "Network Profile". There we will have the option to configure our network in public or private. To do this we only have to select the one we want.

In this quick and easy way we can change our network type. We recommend that when you go away from home you put these settings back in public mode to avoid prying eyes.

Have you ever stopped to think that it was a public and private network? We hope we have resolved your doubts in this article. For questions write in comments what you want.

If you also want to know how to share a Windows 10 folder with other computers, we recommend our following tutorial:


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