
How to install notepadqq on ubuntu

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If you have been a developer in Windows, you surely know Notepad ++, a super powerful text editor for programmers. Unfortunately, this excellent application does not have an official version for Linux. However, today we present you a very acceptable alternative: NotepadQQ.

How to install NotepadQQ on Ubuntu

As we already mentioned, Notepadqq is like a Notepad ++, but in this case, for Linux. Additionally it is free and open source, which has its repository on GitHub. It is a constantly updating project that has been growing, approximately since 2010.

It provides developers with all the functionalities that can be expected from a general-purpose text editor, such as:

  • Syntax highlighting for over 100 different languages. Code folding. Color schemes. Provides file tracking. Multiple selection. Can search text using the power of regular expressions. Allows you to organize documents side by side.

API for Extensions

This is an “alpha” feature, basically it allows developers to contribute to the application, generating their own extensions. The API is written in JavaScript, with the use of Node.js and on the official page we can find:

  • Access and documentation to the preliminary API. And a tutorial on how to write an extension for NotepadQQ using said API. Additionally, a link where developers can leave their suggestions regarding the methods they want or that would be useful to add to the API.

NotepadQQ and Qt

It could work in Qt 5.2, but the use of Qt 5.3 or later is recommended. If the latest version is not available in your distribution, you can get the latest version using the terminal and the application will automatically recognize it.

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Installation in Ubuntu

For its installation in Ubuntu, we proceed to execute the following commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa: notepadqq-team / notepadqq sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install notepadqq

To get packages from other distributions, you can check the download section of the official site and you will find instructions and download links.

You can add any questions or suggestions about this application in the comments and we invite you to read the rest of our Tutorials.


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