
▷ How to fix memory management windows 10 error

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We are going to dedicate another article to develop another of the errors that most commonly appear on our computer, this is the memory management error Windows 10. This error can be caused by various factors including problems with system files, viruses that saturate the RAM memory or directly physical problems with our RAM memory modules. All this we will contemplate throughout this article while we are talking about possible solutions.

Index of contents

As you may already know, the blue screenshots are a sign that a serious error has occurred in our system, of which it is possible that in the long run we will get bad. This is why special attention must be paid in case they occur frequently, such as this one.

Memory management error Windows 10

We must recognize that Windows 10 is not too characterized by blue screenshots. For example, in Windows XP it was more common to get these beautiful blue backgrounds. However, we must pay special attention to how these are produced. Above all, if they occur frequently they could be due to a continued malfunction of the system or any physical component of our system.

As its name suggests, this error is primarily due to errors that are related to RAM. This means that it is a critical system error since RAM is an essential component of a computer. When we get this error, Windows will stop working and a blue screen will appear, causing the system to restart.

When we start our computer, our BIOS tests the different hardware components of our system, CPU, Hard Disks and RAM, among other things. If it finds an error in any of these components, it will not allow the equipment to continue with the boot sequence.

But of course, the errors detected by the BIOS are usually more serious than what memory memory management represents at any given moment. This is why this error can occur for physical reasons that indicate that our RAM memory is damaged in any of its cells and even so is not detected by the BIOS. But it can also be due to an error in the load of a certain Windows file that is corrupt and causes an overflow of RAM memory.

Another of the very frequent causes of the appearance of this error is when we have an evorclocked RAM. This reason is surely the first to be explored by a user who is aware that he has overclocked to increase the performance of this component. Obviously the solution to this error is to leave the RAM as it comes from the factory.

Procedure to fix Windows 10 memory management error

Below, we are going to see some procedures and solutions for this error that Windows 10 shows.

First procedure: testing the RAM memory status

The first thing to do is to rule out possible physical damage to the RAM. This can be done directly with Windows 10, since it has a memory diagnostic tool. To use this procedure we will do the following.

What we must do for quick access is to press the key combination "Wi ndows + R " to open the Run tool. Now we must write the following command:


Press Enter to execute the command with the result of a window that will inform us that we must restart the computer to carry out the testing.

If during the memory diagnosis an error appears in any of the modules, we should consider acquiring a new module, because the problem can only get worse.

Possible memory memory virus

If our physical memory is correct, it is possible that the error is due to a virus lodged in it. This type of virus, despite being detected by normal antivirus programs, have processes that are not easy to eliminate and run even after having deleted some of their files.

In this case, what we will have to do is use an antivirus that is capable of scanning before Windows starts so that it can delete the files even before they start with the system. Avast is one of the utilities that does this, and it is also free, so if you don't have an antivirus, we recommend using this instead of Windows Defender.

Problem with system files

If we are lucky that our RAM memory is perfectly, what we will have to do is check for possible system errors. For example, corrupted files or configuration errors.

To check errors and restore files, the command we must use is

sfc / scannow

Once the command is executed and completed, we can determine if the problem has been solved or not

We can also try another command to restore corrupt Windows files which is

dism / online / cleanup-image / restorehealth

Update device drivers and the system itself or uninstall them

Windows is characterized by being updated every so often, and this in the long run could give certain problems of system instability. Similarly, there are also drivers that sometimes cause compatibility problems with the system, especially if they are old or compatible with other operating systems.

It is for these reasons that we recommend updating these drivers and Windows to try to fix the error if this is the case.

Remove drivers

Another thing we can do is precisely the opposite, that is, uninstall drivers that may be giving us problems, but how will we know this? Well, a simple way to do it is to start the computer in safe mode.

Starting in safe mode, will allow us to start the operating system without any device drivers, only with the basic ones for a correct operation of the system. So, if we see that in this way our team does not give the screenshot of erro memory management, it is very possible that the malfunction was due precisely to one of these drivers.

Enter our tutorial on how to start in safe mode to know how to do it.

Last resort: reinstall Windows or factory reset

If doing everything else your computer keeps sending these error screenshots, what you will have to do in the end will be to reinstall the operating system. Or in your case, restore the factory system.

In either case, our personal files are in principle not in danger if we do the procedure correctly. Still reinstalled Windows, the system creates a folder called Windows.old where it stores our personal information from the previous installation of Windows.

To follow any of these two solutions we recommend our corresponding tutorials:

Errors appear over time, and we must be prepared to undertake solutions that allow us to continue working normally as soon as possible with our team.

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Have you managed to solve your error, with what method? If it is something that is not covered here, leave it in the comments to help other users in the future.


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