Confusing an autonomous car is possible with stickers

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The headline sounds strange. And everything is said, it is. In recent times we see how the autonomous car industry is advancing. We spoke to you yesterday about the new Intel agreement. And it advances despite the many doubts it generates among users, especially in terms of security.
Confusing an autonomous car is possible with stickers
Now, a study by researchers at the University of Washington can cause problems for autonomous cars. They have shown how tremendously easy it is to trick these types of vehicles. Just use some stickers on the road signs.
Study in the United States
Boycotting the trajectory of an autonomous car is as simple as sticking a series of stickers randomly on any traffic sign. No need to cover it completely. With pasting some it is worth it. How do they confuse the car? Autonomous cars have multiple cameras. They are responsible for reading everything that happens around them. Therefore, if they see a car or a pedestrian, they are programmed to act or react in one way.
So if you see a signal normally, it will do what the signal tells you to. But if there are a series of strategically placed stickers on the sign, you will interpret the sign in a different way. In some cases, they have achieved that thanks to the stickers the car will interpret the signal in a totally different way. How to believe that a STOP was a signal to circulate at 70 km / h.
Also, none of the researchers is a hacker. So they have shown a potential vulnerability that exists in autonomous cars. So now it is the manufacturers' turn to improve their safety. Especially if they expect it to become the preferred alternative for users.
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